Antenatal appointment booked


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Has anyone had their antenatal appointment yet? If you have, can you please tell me how it went and what happens? Does dh need to be there? I'm a bit nervous so any info would be appreciated! Can't believe I'm going to be seeing the midwife, its all so surreal!! :cheer:
Mines booked! 30th sept, when is yours??
next week :eek: I rang back today to get my urine sample result (positive :lol: ) and she booked me in!!

Congrats again scones :hug:
wow-so soon, they told me I should be 8-10 wks when I go and see her. I guess that will be good timing for me to tell my work, I will have to otherwise they will wonder why I am at the drs for an hour :? so I will have to say by then

Many congrats to yiu too-we are at pretty much exactly the same stage!! :hug:
I had my first appointment at nearly 10 weeks.

They asked all your medical history questions for you and other half, took bloods, do urine test, weight.

Also asked me where i'd like to give birth (i.e. hospital, at home, midwife unit). Depends on your local areas facilities and also she said i can change my mind.

If you don't want to tell work yet, you don't need to and they shouldn't have to know why you are there, if you want to tell a porky then just saying you've got an infection/virus or something and just say they were running late which is why you were a long time....not particularly unusual at doctors so very believable!!
i got one booked for 9 weeks on the 2nd october, we see ours here at 8 weeks but she is on holiday AGAIN (she did this when i was pregnant with bambino we saw her the first time)
Why is mine so early? :think: She said I could have mine next week or the week after, whenever I wanted.
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Why is mine so early? :think: She said I could have mine next week or the week after, whenever I wanted.

Dont worry, they probably just have more time slots available and so can see you earlier, you also have found out your preggers quite early too. I didn't even know until 7 weeks then took 2 weeks to get an appointment.

It's better to go earlier then you have more time to book in things like your first scan, i again had some trouble trying to get mine in around 12 weeks because of no appointments.
ah right, thanks! Suppose its going to be all the boring blood tests etc anyway so it doesn't really matter i guess

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