Another wasted month.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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Well, i got my af as predicted right on time.

Although at first it was 4 days of spotting, I am now in the 5th day of normal flow af, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

My ticker says i'm due to ov on monday, but i have a feeling i'm gonna miss the boat this month. I can't see the witch buggering off in time!!!

Why is TTC so bloody hard!!

Good luck to everyone else, and congrats to Babybo and Mrs Blue!!!

thank you hun xx

let's hope your AF goes away soon, hopefully you'll have a late OV to compensate for it.
have you ever tried monitoring your basal body temperature each month, which will give you a really good chance of seeing exactly when you ovulate xx
No i havent tried it yet.

Used opks once or twice but could never get to grips with them.

I used cbdigis last month and got my smiley, but had loads of ewcm 9 days after, so i wondered if i tried to ov but didn't then tried agan later??

God knows.

All I know is that depo provera is an awful method of contraception and really screws with your cycles and emotions!!

hey hun my af's have been same last 3 cycles, first time spotting for 3 days then last two times spotting for 4-5 days then heavy af.

surely we should ov later as af doesnt start on time?

i have deleted my ticker as doesnt look like my cycles are gona be spot on ever month.

just get plenty of bd in your whole cycle, maybe do the smep and do it every other day, its all you can do hun.

fx for your bfp soon :)
My cycle are starting on time thou, thats wots weird.

I'm gonna try not to get too caught up in ttc otherwise i'll end up going mad. I'm gonna try and chill and see what happens.

Realisticaly, as i've been on the depo jab, it could be nearer march when my body sorts itself out, so untill then i will just have to hang fire a bit, dtd as much as poss and if it happens, it happens.

Hi Kred84 sorry to hear your cycle is being awkward. Like you said, take it easy and dtd as much as you feel like. It will happen in time. Also it is very possible you'll ovulate later this month....FX for you hon.

The pill messes with cycles too, I'm now on CD36 so my ticker is waaaay out. Haven't got a clue so am just going to have fun trying.

hey kred sorry to hear the witch is sticking around, u had this last cycle too right? I know its probably not what u want to hear but my sister was on the depo injections and took 1 and a half years to conceive, although she was ntnp and didn't track ov or even remember when her last period was when she conceived!! i so hope it doesn't take that long for u too conceive hun xxx
hey Kanga!

yeah, ur right, lat cycle was somethin like 19 days spotting, 6 days off and then full blown 5 day AF.

This one came on time, as did last one, so my cycles have settled into 30/31 days on the exact dates as they always have been. And i am ovulating, as i recongnise the symptoms and ewcm, plus my opks last month.

I think it's just a slight hormonal imbalance with regards to the spoting so i think by xmas i'll be right on track. The only month i cant conceive is november cos my daft hubby doesnt want an august baby (youngest in class at school! idiot!)

So, i'm jus gonna chill.

Anyway, hows you? You'll soon be in ur 2ww........ Woo fx!


Contraception is evil!!!! LOL!!!!

But Fx for you, October needs mpre :bfp:'s to end with after this amaing start!!

Hahaha sorry to laugh but you just have to at a mans logic!! That really tickled me, but the people I love most are leo's (me ma) and virgoes (me bessy mate) so I'll have to agree with him for another reason.

Talking of the devil, I literally just come on this evening. 7 days late which by other people's experience is not too bad. I'm going to get busy SMEP'ing next week.

I'm doing good kred, getting rather frustrated at my oh as he still isn't home! So not feeling in the mood to bd tonight now, but I don't want to waste any valuable bd'ing time! Xx

Oh no, pin him down the sec he walks throu the door lol!!!!

Tara, I'm a leo and hubby's a virgo! Do u love us too??!!!LOL!!

You know what? I'm really not that psycho anout ttc this month...... it's realy odd!!!

I pee'd on so many ic's last month, even when the spotting started, convinced it was late implantation bleeding!

I had to give myself a mental slap cos i got crazy. So here's to ntnp this month, and you never know, when you dont try so hard.................


P.s (tmi coming) I did convince oh to get jiggy with it this afternoon!! Even though i'm still bleeding :shock: ( Ooops..... naughty me :) )
Hahaha If you put it like that I guess I love all Virgo's and Leo's :)

Wow TMI but that's why I love PF - Seems everything (well almost) is acceptable. At least you are sticking to SMEP haha

True! Where would we be without PF??? Seriously, you couldn't tell anyone else stuff we all do in order to get up the duff lol!

God, if only our Oh's read this, they'd be in shock, or even disgusted lol!

I'm not getting too pyscho about ttc this month either, but I know I need to bd this week as ov should be thurs if I'm on a 28 day cycle or sat if I'm on a 30 day cycle. I alternate between the 2, last month was 28 so should be 30 this month but not sure if the witch arriving 2 days early last month will change the length of this one. Still planning on doing an opk if I think I'm ov'ing, just to see if we need to up the bd'ing! :) xx
Tell me about it, I religiously delete history and cookies when finished on the computer. In all honestly if he saw it he'd probably laugh too, he's quite in touch with his feminine side. xx

Finally Af has buggered off in good time to get :bd:'ing!!

4/5 days till ov and managed to sneak a quicky in today and fell asleep for an hour after, so not much escapage!!

Hubby works earlies (4-12) so my afternoons are free and Josh is at school........... :bd: time for a few days!!!

Woo! Glad the witch has buffered off hun, and woo for being able to :bd: everyday!! Xx

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