Another Symptoms Question...Sorry


Active Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Hi everyone, hope your all having a smooth 1st tri!
Please bear with me, as this might be abit long winded.

My last period started 26th March, few days prior to that i had abit of light pink spotting, but then the witch got me.

This week ive been having afew odd things happening:
Been crying at silly things like boyfriend not giving me a hug or giving me "dont know" answers
Creamy white, thick CM :oops:
Bloated belly and odd twinge
Diarrheoa :oops: not like need to rush loo but wen i go it isnt normal
Really Snappy/Tired
What do you lovely ladies think? Pregnancy or just a bug?

AF is due next week 23rd.
your symptoms sound good but i used to symptom spot month after month and convinced myself most of the time that i was pregnant only to get af :? this time i didnt really have many symptoms af type cramp a week before af due, slight back ache and thats it. the only way to know for sure is to test, how many days past ovulation are you?
Hi Babydust :wave:

Congrats on the baby, i havent been tracking my ovulation etc, im 20 and dont know how to track my ovulation etc

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
:wall: well tomorrow your af would be due in 4 days and most of the tests say it can pick up a positive then so you could always do one and see but remember if its negative it could also be too early.

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