another gtt!!! aaaarggghhhhhhhh update ---- hypo baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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well,hospital rang yesterday. as some of you may know i have been measuring larger than my dates so was sent for a growth scan last friday, bubs was estimated at around 6lb 1oz at 33 weeks. so expected to be 10 to 11lb at birth if full term, After a chat at daycare was told i would probably be asked to go bk in a couple of weeks for another scan to keep an eye on his growth.
well they rang today and said i wont be asked to go for another scan, but they want me to go in again tomorrow at 8:30am for yet another gtt test, which i had at 28 weeks and came back normal! so now im fed up, no scan, more blood tests. and i cant eat anything from 8pm tonight til after the test tomorrow. I have no idea why they are making me take the test again and not letting me have a growth scan. I hope bubs doesnt get too big so I cannot deliver him naturally. I do not want a section :cry:
rant over :D
hope it comes back ok as well, that 12 hour fasting is a right pain.

oh no how frustrating, I have a GTT on the 1st of July totally sympathise about the fasting I don't function in the morning without my breakfast and wake up starving most mornings :(
aww what a shame, hope it goes ok for you today! :hug:

let us know how you get on, but im sure everyhting is fine :D xxxxxxx
Hi hun dont want to worry you but i had 3 lots of gtt (both parent diabetic) and they all came back clear and i ended up having hannah at 35+5 weighing 10lb 4oz and when she was born she had all the symptoms of a diabetic baby so i think the test is a load of rubbish and was more or less told the same when she was in scbu
Hope everything goes pk for you sweety, i can sympathise with wanting to deliver normally, as i really dont want to have a c-section either
thanks for messages ladies,
well test went ok, should have results next week.also took bloods for OC as I have been itchy for a day or two. midwife at pregnancy day care also took a urine sample which said i have a trace of protein. took my blood pressure which was ok, then listened to bubs HB. well he was going crazy(think it was the lucozade they made me drink) anyway his Heart rate was up to 200bpm at some points and even whilst resting was averaging at 167bpm which is not like him at all. anyway she made me stay on monitor for around an hour and a half until he calmed down. I was worried but she seemed to think it was ok and I passed the test on the machine she said. so just got to wait for blood results again. let you know the outcome next week :D
Glad the test wasn't too bad :hug:

Wow your little man sounds like a livewire, she must have been expecting an increased heart rate after making you drink the sweet stuff :D
Aww sorry things are a bit crap atm. Hopefully your test results come back fine :)

FWIW my LO was an ounce short of 10lb at birth and I had a natural one and a homebirth at that. And it was fine. In fact, pushing him out was the easy part, it was the first stage of labour was the long and hard job.

As I knew my baby was probably going to be on the large side during labour I kept mobile, used a birth pool and when actually pushing him out I stood between contractions and then squatted down during them and it worked really well to help him come down and be delivered.
Sherlock said:
Aww sorry things are a bit crap atm. Hopefully your test results come back fine :)

FWIW my LO was an ounce short of 10lb at birth and I had a natural one and a homebirth at that. And it was fine. In fact, pushing him out was the easy part, it was the first stage of labour was the long and hard job.

As I knew my baby was probably going to be on the large side during labour I kept mobile, used a birth pool and when actually pushing him out I stood between contractions and then squatted down during them and it worked really well to help him come down and be delivered.

thanks for that sherlock, makes me feel better and believe i can do it!
:D :D :D :cheer:

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