GTT Results !!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi Ladies :)

So..... after measuring big (35cm) at 28 weeks and going for a scan to find our princess is a biggie I had the glucose test on Friday and got the results back today NEGATIVE !! :D

Fingers crossed I can relax and enjoy what's left of my pregnancy (29 weeks +1) without worrying !

Im booked in at 34 weeks for another growth scan to see how she's getting on, judging by the size of me and seeing peoples reaction when I tell them how long iv got left I personally think she will be here sooner !!

I know how you feel! , I'm in a very similar boat as you with regards to measuring big etc and people keep asking me "are you sure there us one in there?" so sick of that lol enjoy what is left, in no time you will be holding your LO xxx
Glad to hear all went well with your test :D

Im the opposite at the moment, at my 28 week appointment i was actually 29 weeks lol, and measuring 1cm behind but they usually do allow a few centimetres each way!..Got my 32 week appointment on Thursday so wondering how much Sebbie has grown :lol:
I'm forever repeating myself ! Im asked if I'm sure there's only one in there, yep I'm very sure iv had 4 scans ! ! Just hope she doesn't grow ahead of herself so I can't push her out :( il just relax now and wait and see what she weighs in at 34 weeks :)

Thanks ladies xxxxx
i never measured big until 38 weeks and noone said anything about me having a big baby or growth scans so when i actually gave birth to my little girl it was a surprise to find she weighed in at 10lb 14oz. i had a natural delivery with gas and air and diamorphine. worst i got was an episiotomy and the local anaesthetic meant i didnt have to feel the pain from her crowning either so it really wasnt bad at all just in case any of you ladies do have a big baby. mine was also back to back so dont worry too much :)
Glad your GTT results were negative hun.

I hate when people comment on the size of my bump. When I was this week with my son I was measuring 36 weeks and this time I'm measuring within normal and people are STILL commenting. I got really short with a woman at my work yesterday coz everytime I see her (which is most days) she asks how long I've got left and hten her eyes pop out, annoys me so much!!!!

With my son I was convinced I would have him early, esp as the consultants I saw all said the same lol, but by the time I got to 38 weeks I'd given up hope and thought I was bound to go overdue becuase I was so miserable lol. My waters ended up going at 38+5 and he came exactly 1 week early :yay:

Really hoping this LO comes early too!!!!!

Good luck with your next scan, let us know how you get on xxxxx
Glad your GTT results were negative hun.

I hate when people comment on the size of my bump. When I was this week with my son I was measuring 36 weeks and this time I'm measuring within normal and people are STILL commenting. I got really short with a woman at my work yesterday coz everytime I see her (which is most days) she asks how long I've got left and hten her eyes pop out, annoys me so much!!!!

With my son I was convinced I would have him early, esp as the consultants I saw all said the same lol, but by the time I got to 38 weeks I'd given up hope and thought I was bound to go overdue becuase I was so miserable lol. My waters ended up going at 38+5 and he came exactly 1 week early :yay:

Really hoping this LO comes early too!!!!!

Good luck with your next scan, let us know how you get on xxxxx

Aw thank you ! Im starting to repeat myself a lot now, in morrisions the other day the checkout woman was amazed and went on and on......causing a cue i just wanted to tell her to shut up ! without being rude she wasnt very reasuring !! maybe she will slow down now in growing ? im back to check on her again at 34 weeks so im hoping shes not massive because i dont think il be able to push her out myself :( ......I think i worry too much lol, im starting to worry about my poor feet now, swelling ! but i think thats normal.

was you in labour for long at 38 weeks ?

i cant stay away from here since iv joined so il be sure to keep you all updated :)

Glad your GTT results were negative hun.

I hate when people comment on the size of my bump. When I was this week with my son I was measuring 36 weeks and this time I'm measuring within normal and people are STILL commenting. I got really short with a woman at my work yesterday coz everytime I see her (which is most days) she asks how long I've got left and hten her eyes pop out, annoys me so much!!!!

With my son I was convinced I would have him early, esp as the consultants I saw all said the same lol, but by the time I got to 38 weeks I'd given up hope and thought I was bound to go overdue becuase I was so miserable lol. My waters ended up going at 38+5 and he came exactly 1 week early :yay:

Really hoping this LO comes early too!!!!!

Good luck with your next scan, let us know how you get on xxxxx

Aw thank you ! Im starting to repeat myself a lot now, in morrisions the other day the checkout woman was amazed and went on and on......causing a cue i just wanted to tell her to shut up ! without being rude she wasnt very reasuring !! maybe she will slow down now in growing ? im back to check on her again at 34 weeks so im hoping shes not massive because i dont think il be able to push her out myself :( ......I think i worry too much lol, im starting to worry about my poor feet now, swelling ! but i think thats normal.

was you in labour for long at 38 weeks ?

i cant stay away from here since iv joined so il be sure to keep you all updated :)


I truly believe that your body will only grow a baby that it can birth so don't worry about the size, the bigger they are the easier to birth apparently because baby can descend easier... so they say lol

My labour story is not the best lol My waters went, few contractions, cervix opened... almost 16 hours later, with few period pains I had gone to 4cm, but not contracting so had to be induced due to risk of infection to baby... another 17.5 hours later (so active labour) ended in emergency section as baby was wedged. As it turned out, due to the polyhydramnios and high blood pressure I shouldn't have been allowed to go into labour but should've gone straight to section. When my waters went baby went into distress, then induction on top of that was not good, but I almost did it. Got him to within 1/2 inch out, but ended up having to be pulled back up the other way!

I'm planning on vbac this time and really hope it works out, butone thing I learnt was don't make plans and be prepared for anything lol

But honestly, once baby is in your arms it's all worth it :love:

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