ANOTHER eventful consultant appointment!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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URGH!!! I feel so low and disappointed! I know I'm not even at my due date yet but the Dr really did get my hopes up today!!....

...Some of you might remeber about 4 weeks ago the consultant I saw sent me for a growth scan (which came back normal). Well I saw this same woman again today and what did she do? SEND ME FOR ANOTHER BLOODY SCAN! This woman is obviously just very over cautious. Eeverything came back normal on scan though. :)

I went in and she said "So now you are 39+1, I think I will give you a sweep" :yay:I couldnt believe my luck!!! But then she went on to measure my tummy and thats when she said she wanted me to have a scan and if bubs had stopped growing etc they would induce me (which I didnt want but I was still hoping for the sweep!)

Anyway by the time I got out of scan and saw her again it was past 5pm she said that she thought a sweep would be more effective when I go again next week! :mad:

I was so excited at the idea of helping things along a bit.......
Thats is just not fair - what a tease - i would have been proper peeved! I have 38week appt tomorrow and am hoping i don't have the mw that has measured me big twice, she seems to measure me about 5 weeks over whereas everyone else measures me a week over. I have my story sorted gonna tell her that there is no way i am going to be induced early or give birth in hospital so if she has concerns over my size she should give me a sweep now cos thats all i'm am willing to happen!
I know, some of these people just do things differently I guess? Def stick to your guns - you might get a sweep out of it!

I honestly feel soooo disappointed I didnt get the sweep. I actually came home and cried - hormones eh?!!
Awwww, no way! What a wench! I'd have been like "I am NOT leaving this place until you do my sweep!!!" Grrrr! lol!

Hope she does one next time though x
she probably finished at 5pm and didn't want to work free overtime :sigh: xx
Good news that the scan came back normal tho!

Bit harsh building you up for a sweep though and then ripping it out from under you!

Anyone else find it a bit strange though that were all beginning to get very excited over the thought of a lady playing around in our foofs??? :shock:

Ive got my sweep booked for next thursday, which day have you got yours? The race most deffinatly is one :)
I'm next weds! Bet you have your bub before me. Just a feeling I have xxx
Oh no! Thats a bit unfair :( Lets hope you start off yourself and then you can poke your tongue out at her :lol:
Hopefully you wont have to wait that long Erin!
you never know thunder could start you off :)

That was very cruel to make you think you were getting a sweep and then to say wait just a week which feels like a life time when you are so close to the end anyway.
I also agree with not wanting to stay longer as it was already after 5pm even though its their job!!! :mad:
So glad the scan went well :yay: It wouldn't have taken her long to give you a sweep before you left though! :(
she probably finished at 5pm and didn't want to work free overtime :sigh: xx

my managers have started a system where if you work more than 15 mins overtime you actually get disciplined :shock: but then if you dont get the work done, you'd get disciplined too, so basically, I work overtime and lie about it, dont answer the phone, or email anyone. I sent a few 'read receipts' on my last day before mat leave at about 5.45pm when I was due to finish at 4pm!! The NHS is a bloomin nightmare to work for!:wall2:
She sounds like a proper tease!!! :wall: dont worry hun, youll get your baby very soon :hug:
Aww sorry your midwife is so over cautious! A midwife i saw last week was like that but atleast im getting a growth scan earlier :D lol. To be honest, i had a sweep at 40weeks with my daughter and it did NOTHING for me, she ended up being a week late. So maybe baby will come before your next appointment anyway :) good luck hun x

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