another ebay question-can you help??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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hey can anyone help?? i bought a dress off this girl on ebay and about 5 days later it still said payment pending so i sent her a message saying i had sent payment through paypal straight away and had she pressed accept payment in pay pal so it could go through? she messaged back saying sorry for the delay she hadnt accepted but would do it now and send the dress straight away 1st class..all fine..but a week later still no dress so sent her another message and she said she had sent it, so she would refund me and if the dress showed up i should return it.

i just dont think she really sent it as i would never trust someone to send it back after getting a refund, i mean i could just keep it and say nothing, right.

she just emailed me saying could she have my paypal email to refund me.. i've been refunded on ebay before and they didnt need any details theres a way to do it on ebay isnt there?? do you reckon this girl is just really clueless or is she trying a scam??? it was only like 3 quid so cant see her robbing
I'd not bother replying if I were you, and do an item not received dispute. If she leaves you negative feedback and you are in a dispute I *believe* you can get it removed.

You should just say to her, I don't want a refund I want my dress, wheres my dress. Ask if she obtained proof of postage. And most post offices will give a receipt anyhow.

Ask if she can send that to you for proof it's been posted. *Then* if it doesn't arrive you can discuss refunds etc.

I bought something once that didn't arrive. The ebayer sent me the proof of postage and I claimed the costs off the post office for losing my parcel. After all why should the ebayer refund me - I saw the proof of postage so I know it's not their fault it's Royal Mail's fault.

She sounds guilty to me ;)

Sorry if that sounds rambly... hope it makes some sort of sense.
thanks hun no its not rambly i get it,
she blatantly didnt post it coz she was so quick to say she would refund me which is a bit fishy! she says the post office are looking into it but how can thay she just sent it first class it wasnt recorded delivery or anything...maybe she changed her mind and wanted to keep the dress! lol
it's not her job to look into it for you, she should have sent the proofs to you and let you look into it.

she probably decided it didn't sell for as much as she wanted it to.
Something similar happened to us recently although we were the ones refunding! We sent a pair of jeans the day after the 4 day postal strike. Well she said they hadn't arrived and she wanted a refund! I didn't realise it was up to her to do the chasing so we just paid her a refund and asked her to be honest and return our money or the jeans if they turned up! I know she wouldn't be honest if they turned up though! :wall: Just didn't want bad feedback and it was only £4 or something like that! Not the point though! :x

Anyway, back on your question! As it had been more than a certain time we had to have her email address to give her the refund! But ONLY the email address! No other paypal info would be needed!
thank you :)
i've just sent her my email address and said i'll send the dress back if it comes here (even though it was obviously never sent!!)
i cant be bothered to make a big deal out of it i'm going away on wednesday and probabably wont be able to get to the internet so i dont wont some dispute open and on going i'll just be worried about it!

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