Another bank issue!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Today i checked online banking, and low and behold theres a payment of £362.98 pending to go out, its been taken off my balance but not showing on statement as yet, i cant ring the bank cos its sunday, but the only people who have access to my bank details are me, oh and my mum and dad.. The account is only to pay bills via cheque and my parents wouldnt pay anything like that amount out without asking me first..
and i can see its a card transaction, we dont even have our card anymore it was put in the bin so we didnt spend on it..

what am i gonna do, if its been used with a chip and pin where would we stand with it, how can we prove it wasnt us..

Some cheeky *******s have probably rooted through the bins here, mind you i should have cut card up but still how did they know my pin number grr.. will find out tommorrow hopefully where the transaction was made..
I think you wll find that you can ring a help number at any time!!! I would do that!
If you've thrown the whole card in the may have problems - you have a duty to protect your card. If they've bought online then they wouldn't need a pin number. I suggest you tell the bank that you cut the card up before putting it into the bin.
My mum has just said the same thing, i should have cut the card up :wall:

we are going to have to see what they say now..
RING THEM NOW AND SORT IT OUT!!!! Sorry for shouting but honestly I would be soooooo stressed if I was you and I don't think you need any more stress in your life right now. Get on the phone and tell them what has happened they should be able to give you more details. Also you may need to get on phone and cancel your card if the payment was made by card. DO IT NOW!!!
There will be a number you can call. Dont wait till tomorrow, the bank will cancell the card details so that it cant be used again. From that post of mine, some banks will stop it and some wont, just depends who you are with I guess. Call straight away.
well ive just called them, it was a card payment and it was used in wakefield :shock:

thats like 2 hours drive from here, they have cancelled the card and will look into it, they are also putting a stop to the payment providing i can prove it wasnt me that used it.. thats easily done it was done 3 days ago and i was here and i can prove that through my other account lol.. so should get sorted and have my money back in no time.

isnt it easy though how people are so clever, im gonna shred everything from now on, bills, letters, bank statements the lot.. not taking any more chances..

:wall: :wall: im so stupid sometimes, but what do you say, it will never happen to you..

well i thought that and now look
u dont need the PIN number to use card on the internet.
gosh, poor u- hope u get ur money back :hug:

someone rummaging thru ur bin tho! :shock:
i'd be surprised if anyone went thru ours- its full of kitty litter, cat piss and cat shit! lol.

what bank are u with? my boyfs with natwest and they were really good when someone got hold of a new blank card (the days b4 chip&PIN) and spent about £1000 getting cashback from supermarkets- he got it back.
good luck with it :hug:
thats weird, i live in wakefield. wasnt anything to do with me, honest!

i paid the gas bill with my oh's card the other day, it was a big transaction, about £300, over the phone it was automated and i ony had to put in the card no., expiry date and security number. i was surprised at how easy it was, didnt even ask whos card it was. mind you, its a bill so easily traced but online shopping is easy too.

invest in a shredder or burn all your important rubbish. cut the card up next time you numpty! and put it in seperate bins.

hope theres a way you can get the money back.
I never cut up cards. I burn them. But sometimes they dont even have to have your card to cause havoc with it. :wall:
Someone did it to my account last week, only £31 has gone waiting for back to credit me back they said 10 days.

Mine was done throught the internet, as i never leave my card anywhere

tangerinedream said:

i do too
its the best way to make sure because even if you cut your card they can still put it back together and get the numbers

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