Another baby?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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It took my years to agree to get pregnant (16 years after my eldest son) as I'm a bit of a coward and was very scared it would all go wrong. Now that I have my gorgeous little boy my DH (half jokingly) suggested we go for another (maybe we get a girl) in a year or two. I'm 37 and so I told him to go jump lol. But I must be going through some mad hormonal rollercoaster because I've been thinking non-stop about babies since then, and about how much I'm going to miss breastfeeding and never ever having a bump again. I even put on some maternity stuff the other day sort of mourning my missing bump even though I HATED all those nasty pregnancy symptoms and vowed it was the end for me at the time!! :shock: Its really like something in the back of my head is trying to convince me to have another baby god forbid and I am occasionally pandering to these thoughts! Every time I see a baby girl I go all gooey too!! Am I just confused or should I ignore it. Does anyone else have emotional whims about having another baby even though another part of you doesn't really want another one at all? I'm just too old now I have to stop being silly! :(
I want six children, starting now. Well, so I think. Then i realise I just want Willow all over again, and i couldn't possibly want another child because it wouldn't be Willow, and I'm only 16 anyway and one is quite enough thank you.

Confusing isn't it? If you want another one I suppose you should jus go for it, else you may end up regretting not :? then you may get all bitter because of your thwarted broodiness, like my mum did. At least you know you'd never regret it.Ofc by TTC time the hormones may have calmed down anyway :lol:
DO IT CARLA!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't wait for our next!!!
DebbieM said:
DO IT CARLA!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't wait for our next!!!

Wow when are u trying again debs? What about all that spd we had? waaaaaaaa im too old now. :wall:
Before and during my pregnancy with Lucy I thought I would want another withing 18 months of Lucy being born. Then she was born and I felt like I was no where near ready to have another - I mean how could I share my time and love when she deserves my undevided love and attention!! I wasn't sure if I would ever want another.

When she was 18 months I still didn't want another, by the time she was 2 I was more open to the idea and a few months later I was pregnant again. Unfortunately we lost that baby but we're pregnant again and we're both pleased.

It really did take me 2 years before I felt both I and my family were ready. We've talked about whether 2 is it for us but I feel I can't say "never" until baby is born and we've lived as a family of four for a while.

I would say wait and see, you'll know soon enough whether you really want another or not.
i have passing whims but on the whole there are millions of reasons why i DONT want another baby right now. altho i feel iv got plenty of time left (im 27) idk how different i might feel if i was 10 years older maybe i might be broody then :think:

if u want it- go for it!! :cheer:
I'm broody again and we're going to start TTC for number 2 at end of year :wink: I will be hitting 32 years old then :?
DH has said that we will see where we stand this time next year financially and all being good we're trying for another :D before that it was going to be 4 years but its amazing how much lil miss has made us want another so soon... its been wonderful seeing the world unfoldin a baby's eyes again... :D
Pregnopaws said:
DebbieM said:
DO IT CARLA!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't wait for our next!!!

Wow when are u trying again debs? What about all that spd we had? waaaaaaaa im too old now. :wall:
Want another by Lukes 2nd birthday!

And SPD we had? Mines still bloody awful but Im still having another!!!!!! :cheer:
I was your age when I had my first. I waited patiently for number two and eventually had her at 44.

NEVER say never :wink:

Wish I could go for number three :(
Do you feel old? I don't see you as old at 37 personally, I think if you want children you need to want to have them and love them and be there for them and as long as you feel physically able to do that, the rest is mental, not literally :lol: but I do think lots of ladies have hormonal moments and wish to be there again, but in reality they don't, but only you knows which is which. I feel so blessed we have our first children so close, and maybe when our daughter is a few years old we will TTC again, but that's a way off yet, but I wouldn't let age stop me, I'd be 34/35 then. very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
id love to have another but OH is adament that two's enough, took me almost 5 years to convince him to have Logan! :lol:
If you want another and your OH is in agreement go for it!
I will be trying for number 4 (and last) once Dafydd is walking :D :D

Dont fancy a double buggy :rotfl: you watch the next will be twins :rotfl:
what is old nowadys? you as old as you feel hun and if you want another baby then go for it!

Older women are having babies all the time! anbd im sure your not that old as you dont look old!
go for it carla.. you dont want to wait a few years and for it to be to late do you? id hate that.. living in regret.. we are gonna try in a few years maybe.. but we are both 24 so we have loads of time yet.. i honestly thought id only want another one.. but.. hmm i dunno lol.. maybe 2 lol..
I was broody very soon after Austin was born but I've always wanted small gaps between babies. I wanted to try again when Austin was 6 months, but OH wanted to wait until 9 months. There will be 21 months between them which I'm really looking forward to!

I know that 2-3 months after having a baby is a really common time to get broody though so if you're not sure maybe wait a month or two to make sure it's definitely what you want. Otherwise go for it!
I really want number 2, I think we're gonna start trying next march/april so they'll be an 18month age gap between the 2 of them all going well.

There about an 18mnth gap between me and my brother and it was lovely growing up together.
theres a 4 and a half yr gap between me and my brother and i thought that was perfect.. but theres 5 and a bit yrs between charl and teds.. and im starting to think thats a bit big.. id like 2-3 years between teds and the next one.. heres to many a bj to convince hubby lol..
Izzies only 5 and a bit weeks old, im kanckered, im grumpy, i have absolutely NO time for myslef and certainly no social life....and i DESPERATELY WANT ANOTHER!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Im in the same situation as muppetmummy....OH says no way to another baby, and i think it m,aybe the thought that this is the last time for me thats making me broody all thje time. Im always thinking about babies! I wasnt at all like this after Beth...after i had her i said i never ever wanted anymore kids.... My SIL gave birth to a little boy 2 days ago and thats just made me worse :twisted: I'd love to try again in about 3 years and see if we got a little boy (i wouldnt care if it was a girl though).

Problem is, OH is older than me (im 28, he's 36) and he doesnt re4ally want a newborn when he's knockng on 40 :roll: I can understand it but ive got years left in me yet! :rotfl: just one more!! thats all!
Its space too though. While we live here we only have 3 bedrooms, and neither of the kids rooms are big enough for them to share.... fingres crossed we'll move in the next few years and i can convince him :pray: :pray: :pray:

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