Another 10 weeks...


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Then I can start wishing for labour :dance:

I can't stand it just now.

My back hurts
My boobs hurt
My legs hurt
My feet hurt
I can't stop dribbling (tmi sorry)
My bump is huuuuuge, like as big as I was at 9 months with my last

I can however have sex but it takes so long getting a painless position then by the time i'm almost "there" I have to stop cos it hurts again.

lol, i'm on count down too...8 more weeks and i can wish away too, i'm the same re the bump, i feel huge and it just aches if i walk too far or over exert myself, my back has also stared aching, heartburn is a killer and the loo breaks are continuous lol! Ahh the joys! xx
The worst bit is my husband is away off shore for the next 3 weeks so I've got to look after our two kids on my own for that time as well.

It isn't easy to say the least
I only have the one and shes hard enough at times so i feel for ya there hun! I'm lucky as mines 5 so shes not too high maintenance and is at school all day so at least i do get a break xx
10 weeks and I can start hoping I will stop saying "oooooooo" or "uuuggggghhh" when I have to get out of a seat!!

Sex is such a mission now! It's only every now and then I have the energy/am game for it and then, as you say - I get close and lose it. Poor hubby kept asking if there was something else I would like (faster, slower, higher, lower) but I just didn't know :( we got there in the end but I felt pretty useless!
I only have the one and shes hard enough at times so i feel for ya there hun! I'm lucky as mines 5 so shes not too high maintenance and is at school all day so at least i do get a break xx
Yeah, our two are young so require care all day and ontop of that my sister is 39 weeks pregnant and getting pretty close to labour (when you've given birth twice you know the signs lol) so I'm going over to her house every day as well, seeing as her husband left her three months ago (he happens to be a friend of my husband so that's extra stress knowing that a cheating scum bag is talking to my husband and probably trying to get him to turn into one too).

Life isn't great just now.
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in a way im wishing it away but in a way im not x
I am trying hard not to wish the time away as I am enjoying being pregnant, but I am soo impatient to meet our little baby now, and I'm so scared I'll end up going 2 weeks overdue! x
I got 9 weeks too. And not even ready for him to come lol. Xx
just grin and bear it hunni its worth it in the long run have been suffering for too long got another 7-9 weeks to go x x x
8 weeks and counting now, my hubby works 10 weeks away at a time and I have 2 boys already and work as a carer part time... so i serioulsy hear ur pain xx
just grin and bear it hunni its worth it in the long run have been suffering for too long got another 7-9 weeks to go x x x
I should be able to cope with it though because I've gone through it twice before but I guess when I did it before I didn't have two children to care for, which makes it harder.

Plus my husband was with me those times too.

On a side note, I could just be imagining it, but I think my bump has exploded in the night, it seems so much huger than before :lol:
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join the club gone my inlaws today for everyone to say 'you look huge' 'he's going to be a big baby' i am like yeah just what i want to hear me getting fat. my second baby and am already wanting him out have done since week 28 ahhhh x x x

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