Annabel sylvie potter - god bless your soul...still born 32 + 4 xxx


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Sep 11, 2013
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I don't have much to say other than on the 7th of June at 12.30 I gave birth to my sleeping baby girl. She contracted a virus through the placenter called Toxoplasmosis. I don't own a cat and didnt eat anything dangerous. This is so rare that my case has been documented at st George's. the damage was so severe it was catastrophic for her. I can but only plead with you all that it doesn't matter how much of a text book pregnancy you try to do, your baby is never safe. I don't want to scare anyone but it was just an utter shock which I am still trying to work out how this happened.

The labour was beautiful and very dignified. As devastated as I am I owe it to my girl to be strong. Every day for 3 weeks I wake up, go to the bathroom and weep and poor son doesn't deserve to see his mummy upset.

I can't even find any support groups of women who have contracted this virus which has affected their baby....all I know is that it can either be a mild case or a sever case...mine was severe....symtoms are glandular fever and swollen lymph nodes..which I had at 22 weeks gestation and was simply told by my gp "don't worry, it's just viral and your baby is safe"...... I didn't even do anything or go anywhere for months before as I had HG for such a long time.

Please be aware...that's all I say.....

So sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine the pain of stillbirth, the early losses were painful enough. It sounds like there was nothing you could have done differently, but that is probably no consolation to you. I hope you are getting loads of support from your family and don't be afraid to be upset even in front of your son, after all you are a family and it must be a good thing to grieve for your precious little girl.
Im so sorry for the pain you are going through and the loss of your beautiful angel. X
So very sorry that this had happened and you've had to go through such a terrible trauma. There really are no words. I wish you all the strength you need to get through this. The hospital should put you in touch with a support group for parents of stillbirth babies when you're ready to talk, it may help ease the pain x
Im so very sorry for your loss, no one should have to go through something like that.
Take care of yourself.
R.I.P little angel xxxxxx
Really don't know what to say other than I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I just can't imagine what this must be doing to you. Hope your little boy helps you through this. Look after yourself and God bless your precious angel xxx
Im so sorry for your loss! Thinking of you and your family! Rest in Peace little angel! ⭐️
I'm so sorry for your loss Hun. What a beautiful name for your angel x x
Emma- words just don't cut it......I wish I had something to say to take the pain away :'-( Beautiful name for your darling girl- I'm sure she will forever be in your heart.

I was helping a friend through a loss in recent times and found this quote......

'An Angel from the book of life wrote down our baby's birth,
She looked up from the book and said 'Too beautiful for Earth'

Just thought I'd share that with u. Wish I could do more.

U r a v brave woman and I hope u find the strength to move forward again in the future.
Thinking if u, OH and Henry at this tragic time xxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Annabel Sylvie
Hi Emapot1 I am so very sorry.I am a bereaved mum of Joseph stillborn April 2013 at 36 weeks due to placental abruption which is also relatively rare. I live in Ireland and have had tremendous support from the bereavment group A little lifetime formally known as Isands. I believe they are also in the Uk under the name Sands. My husband and I have found the support meetings invaluable and their online support from other bereaved Mums has helped me tremendously in coping with this devastating event. I remember those first few surreal months like yesterday, so I'm thinking of you from across the water. x
I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine the pain. Thoughts are with you x
Oh gosh, im so sorry, nobody should have to go through the loss of a child, thinking of you as you cone to terms with all of this xxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss, you've chosen a beautiful name for your little
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful name, I'm sure your little girl would be proud of her mummy's strength. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.xx
Hi Annabells mum, I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. My daughter Abigail was still born in feb 2014 at 38w 5 days. Sadly for us it was down to my then misdiagnosed rare illness. I spent do long searching for anyone who ha experienced the same and I eventually found a lady in America!

It is such very early days for you and all I can say is take each day gently. When I think back to those early days I'm still not quite sure how we got trough them, but as someone said to me once, when in our worst situations the only way out is through. And that's so true. I can go for a while without crying, I can laugh an look forward to the future but my little girl will always be my little girl and here with me every day. Message me if u want to talk / offload at any time,
Lots of love
Gem x
I am so so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. My thoughts go out to you and your family.

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