

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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My little dog has to always lie on my bump or next to it, it's so funny. If I roll on to my other side he climbs over me so he can settle around my bump, usually so his ear is on the bump. Then the cat has been sitting near or on me... And our big dog follows me everywhere!!

What's funny is I went to have a bath the other day and my little dog obviously got worried and didn't know where I was. I suddenley hear this scuttling and he come running into be bathroom and jumps up in the side to check in there.

Our big dog, who is a golden retriever, is so my labour alarm! I say this because our previous one knew my mum was in labour, or about to go into labour a day before my mum went to hospital!!! The dog was stuck to my mums hip and wouldn't leave her alone... It was very cute. I expect our dog will suddenley follow me and get whiney when I get near to labour, so I'm gonna use her as my "this is your final warning" guide.


anyones else pets gone funny?!
My cat is brilliant always snuggles up to me and he bites me not in a nasty way just rests his teeth over my hand for fuss lol, My mum has 2 cocker spaniels and they have taken quite a liking to curling up with me and normally they jump up all over the place but they seem to quiet down when i'm there. so cute.
I have an elderly jack Russell that won't leave me alone. She's blind and deaf so usually takes to sleeping in her basket for most of the day but in the last 2 months she curls up on me. She's never done that in the while 15 years of life! And my collie is very bump friendly, she sleeps near me and if no ones in and she's on the sofa with me she will rest her head on the bump. Funny thing is I know she will hate the baby as if I so much as turn the telly up a bit she leaves the room! She hates noise so a crying baby will Defo not be on her top list haha x
My kitten won't come near me. :(
But my friends cat who never used to come near me just sits on my lap n is always licking my bump lol even thru my clothes. I don't know if that's cos she was in heat or the fact she knows there's something in there.
i have a labrador and he has been a bit more clingy than normal but last night he wouldnt leave my side even when i went to toilet he was there lying on the bath mat!! xx
My girlies are not really interested in bump at all. My eldest doesnt notice anything different and feels like my bump is a great launching pad to jump from. My youngest likes to give bump a lil sniff every now and then and will fall asleep on my knee, but this isnt anything new. I think she forgets shes almost 2 stone of solid staffy not a lap dog!But my brothers staffy, who is a dog, will not leave me alone. Clingy doesnt even cover it, he follows me everywhere and he loves to fall asleep on my bump and give it a lil sniff xxx
I have an elderly jack Russell that won't leave me alone. She's blind and deaf so usually takes to sleeping in her basket for most of the day but in the last 2 months she curls up on me. She's never done that in the while 15 years of life! And my collie is very bump friendly, she sleeps near me and if no ones in and she's on the sofa with me she will rest her head on the bump. Funny thing is I know she will hate the baby as if I so much as turn the telly up a bit she leaves the room! She hates noise so a crying baby will Defo not be on her top list haha x

Blind and deaf? awwwww

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