Angelcare monitor went off


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Hey all, just a quickie, in need of a bit of reasurance I guess...

Well last night the angelcare monitor (sensor mat) went off for first time at 1.15 am. I have never moved so fast in all my life. LO was awake staring up and had rolled from his tummy to his back. Seemed ok.

I dunno why it went off, he was at top left of cot, he's laid there before on his back like that and its not gone off before so did he stop breathing? He didn't want food and didnt cry I just rolled him back onto his tum and patted him back to sleep. so scary. This happened to anyone else?
Yeah it's happened to us a couple of times. When you've been changing his bed have you moved the sensor mat by mistake? And do you have it sitting on a bit of hardboard rather than just the bottom of the cot? Most likely a problem with the mat than your LO!
How scary!! Ours goes of if she wiggles to far to the side of the cot, but that isn't very often. Glad lo is ok xxx
thanks for it's not on hardboard just on the cot slats. Will get a bit of mdf. Yes V scary but also reassuring to have it. Had the weirdest dreams after that wake up!
Either that or we use the flat bit of cardboard packaging it came with, works a treat. The instructions say you should have a sheet of hardboard the full size of the mattress so the mat picks up all movement wherever on the cot. I've not found the need but really got to watch it's not slipped off the solid surface! :)

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