

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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I know you tend get a little anemic when your pregnant. What the point we sould worry?

When i was 10 weeks i was 9.5 with abit of pain and they rushed me into hospital to find i had a bleeding cyst (It droped to about 7.5 while i was in there)

This weeks blood tests have come back as 9.9 and they have told me i'm "slightly" anemic and to take 2 iron tabs instead of 1.

Whats been the norm with you ladies?
I had a blood test at 8 weeks, and the results were normal.
Since then, I've been quite rundown, getting cold sores more frequently than usual, caught a cold and cough, and was feeling quite tired a lot. I thought that maybe this was down to me being anaemic, so I brought this up when I saw my GP at 22 weeks at a routine check-up. He sent me for another blood test, but again, the results were normal. I am currently taking a pregnancy vitamin supplement which contains 14mg iron, so it seems this is enough for me.
im on tablets and gotta take 1 3times a day. hope they dont up my doseage
I'm on 1 once a day as i'm only a little bit anemic but I think them iron tablets are great!! I haven't had restless legs, I sleep better at night, I have more energy and I can breath a bit easier.
I've been Anaemic for the majority of years, since I was 10yrs old but nothing to panic about. Just had my iron tablets, lots of green veg, fish and red meat, keep it stable you should be fine.

The only time it's really affect my pregnancy is when I am worn out, it tires me out quickly but since being pregnant my stats have moved up to that of an average and healthy person! Seems like this pregnancy is doing my body some good, firts i lose a stone and my blood iron levels are fine!
Hi there :wave: Well i have suffered from iron deficient anemia for the last 17 years..I have taken iron and folic acid tablets and eaten all the right foods...If your levels drop to about 4-7 then your are in for a blood transfusion....I had three pints given to me after my twins were born and i an still sitting very low on the chart..Having low iron levels is not that bad as long as your reserve levels are high..I can not absorb iron or folic acid and sometimes it can make things very hard to get on with....
Keep taking the tablets and make sure you eat well, foods high in iron and folic acid should keep you on top...Dont worry about it...As you said it is normal to get slightly aneamic during a pg.....Take care and congrats........Justine :hug: :hug:

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