an update on my two!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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well i thought it was about time i gave you all a bit of an update!

katie's doing really really well! she seems to be coming on leaps and bounds this last week or so! we've been having physio every week and even tho we dont do much whilst we're there, it seems to be encouraging her! we've been trying to get her to do things like go on the trampette and go upstairs, only problem is ella's doing everything before she gets chance :rofl: she's now pulling herself up constantly on her bed/the playpen/the stairgate :yay: she even sidestepped across the length of the stairgate the other day! she'll also now come up to you and say walking or dancing and get you to hold her hands and she'll take little steps or do a silly dance :cloud9: she's doing a lot more climbing type stuff too, like she'll climb on you and stuff like that!

her talkings coming really good now too, she repeats absolutely everything and we're starting to get some proper sentences coming out now too!

ella's a proper little trouble maker :lol: climbs on absolutely everything, walks along the furniture, pushes all her toys along walking, walks with the baby walker etc etc! its such a mad contrast to katie! and she's chewed the bloody corner off my tv unit :dohh: she's finally started babbling properly now and is saying dadda all the time :wall: i think her hearings still a bit hit and miss, but its so much better! she's eating "proper" food now aswell! she still mostly wears 3-6m clothes bless her, but she's just so active its no wonder really! i honestly dont think she sits still for more than 10 seconds!!

the only problem we're having is she cant drink properly, it seems to come out her nose and most of her drinks fly out her mouth too! going to speak to HV about it cos i just kinda assumed its normal, but its really not!

god thats a bit of an essay! well done if you got to the end!
Aw yay! x sounds like they're both doing so so well! Soon they'll both be giving you the run around! x
thanks guys :) helen they proper give me the run around anyway without walking, i swear i've never seen two not walking children move faster :lol:
Lmao! They'll egg each other on too won't they? x
oh aye! they steal toys and food off each other and race round in circles chasing each other! then you'll hear one scream and the other's on top of them! no joke, the other day i seen ella just pounce on katie from behind then grab her hair and pull :rofl: they're lunatics i swear!!
Great news :yay: Glad to hear both girls are doing well xx
i dont know their history as it were but it sounds like you have 2 lovely little girlies! glad to hear they are getting on well and playing and stuff, always a nice sight even tho it looks like one may kill the other lol x
Sounds like your a busy momma! Great that they are so close in age and will be best buddies most of the time growing up. My girls are 14 months apart and are best of friends all worth the effort x

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