Daniel had his last lot of jabs today until he is a year old, he wasn't very impressed but recovered pretty quick which was cool. He now weighs 16Ib...I thought he was getting heavy
He now rolls over and manages to bring his arm up from underneath him, with a lot of grunting I might add. He has also started to giggle sometimes, you know...that proper baby giggle...too cute. He is now very, very vocal, sometimes around five in the morning!
The HV said that we can now start giving him an ice cubed size of baby rice once a day along with his bottles of milk...just to break him into weaning. Oh and she and another mum at the docs both said that he looks like me! Poor little mite
He now rolls over and manages to bring his arm up from underneath him, with a lot of grunting I might add. He has also started to giggle sometimes, you know...that proper baby giggle...too cute. He is now very, very vocal, sometimes around five in the morning!
The HV said that we can now start giving him an ice cubed size of baby rice once a day along with his bottles of milk...just to break him into weaning. Oh and she and another mum at the docs both said that he looks like me! Poor little mite