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An update from me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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I will try to keep this as short as possible and I apologise to everyone that I haven't been online much, but I have been thinking of you all and hope all your babies are growing healthy :)

So last week I was informed that I failed my GTT test and had to monitor my blood glucose for a week then return to the hospital with them.
So I monitored it and went to my appointment yesterday.
Got my blood pressure done, heard heartbeat and my urine came back with ketones :-(

Then went into a room with 5 people in it, very overwhelming .
2 consultants, 1 diabetic consultant, 1 diabetic nurse and a student, all sitting discussing my notes with me in the middle, felt a bit of an outcast.

So my consultant then goes on about my pregnancy with my son, looks over my notes and everything was spot on and straightforward like I told them it was. Then decided to go on about my weight and asking what it was like before pregnancy, I explained that it was up and down, but worse since I had my ovary removed in 2007.
Then they told me that our baby girl is on the small side of the scale :-(

So after a long discussion they put the fact that I am being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and put it down to that I'm a big girl (nice to b judged with sitting in a room for 5mins) and decide to go on and on about how I need to go on a diet as soon as baby is born and that I will walk to the doctors etc, totally being a prat and then said if I took my life seriously and not want my children to visit me in hospital in later life, then I will loose weight etc.
Then I had to discuss my eating habits with the diabetic people and discuss medication. When I explained that I am very fussy on what I eat due to the sickness and gastric flu I had literally a few weeks before I fell pregnant, they suddenly seemed shocked that I don't sit and eat a chippy every night. Explained that I eat my fruit and veg, home made meals, hardly snack in-between meals cos ive went off food since becoming pregnant, but I eat because I know I have too.
So after all this and them being a bunch of judgemental pratts, they then tell me I'm not eating enough and my little girl isn't getting enough nutrients from me.........so it went from being a fat ******* to not eating enough! I like how some people are so quick to judge.

So they have decided that I've to be monitored every week for her growth and the diabetes and induced at 38weeks and in his words "or whenever we need to and hope for a natural delivery".

So I'm now on metformin for the diabetes and to be monitored and my need insulin later in pregnancy, but hopefully not. Due to having the diabetes, this can cause still births, so I'm guessing thisnis why I will be getting monitored weekly and if I have to get her out after some tests they do weekly then so be it. I really hope not. I've to be tested again for diabetes 6 weeks after she arrives and hope that it's gone, but diabetes runs in my family so I'm kind of accepting the fact im pretty much gonna be stuck with it.

So I guess what I'm asking is, has anyone or does anyone know anything about diabetes in pregnancy? Experienced it or know someone who has?
I'm hoping for a natural birth, but I've been reading up and says women with diabetes will need a c-section (I will ask this at my next appointment).

I really hope they don't want her out before 38weeks, so hope I pass all the tests lol. We have everything ready for her arrival, so going to get mine and her hospital bags ready at weekend, just incase I don't pass the weekly tests and they want me kept in.
I don't even want her to come at 38 weeks, want her to stay there as long as possible, but I know if needs must and for her health then fine.

Any information will be greatly received. X
Not got any tips & advice Hun but u seem down & pissed off so didn't wanna read an run sending you a big hug :) xxx
Thanks Hun.
Feeling very down and defeated, tired, hormonal and very emotional lol.

Feel like I've been kicked in the teeth. I stick to the rules, eat my fruit and veg, avoid drink, smoking, and foods I'm not allowed, won't even eat a peanut and I get told she's undersized and I have diabetes.
If i went out, got stoned, drunk etc, maybe I wouldn't have all this hassle x
I'm pretty sure one of the girls here had it so I've messaged her and asked her to check this thread out! :) Apologies if I'm wrong but I think I remember her having it.

I have no advice sorry but I hope things get better soon :hug: xxx
Sorry you're having such a crappy time! Can't believe all those docs etc were being so judgemental!

Hope everything goes okay with your weekly checks, but for the record, I didn't think that women with gestational diabetes always had to have c-sections, I just thought in the majority of cases they had to be induced, but they could still have a normal labour.

Hugs :hug:

Thank u, all of u :)

Any info is appreciated. I'm preparing my mind that it's a c-sec, it's my worst fear but if I mentally prepare for it, then if it happens I will be cool about it, if not, then a bonus! Lol.

Thank u tiffany, thats really kind of u. Xx
My sisters SIL had it (she's very very skinny but was told her baby was big) and she didn't get induced, infact she went 10 days over and had a vaginal delivery. Ok she did have forceps and an epidural but no c section. This was only a week ago as well. She closely monitored her diet so her baby's growth slowed down and he was 8lb 12 in the end. Maybe ask to see a dietitian so you can be sure you and baby are getting what you need, sometimes we are eating or not eating things we didn't realise were good or bad for us, esp just now when our bodies are more sensitive. There are def a few girls on here with it but cant remember who, got a feeling a couple of them have had their babies so maybe not on here so much. Hope you feel a bit happier today x
hi sorry to hear this and how its making you feel, some doctors are right tw*ts!!A friend of mine has Gestational diabetes - She is being induced early at 38 weeks but not planning on having c-section etc. She is the tinniest dot of a person and she has been critised by them for eating unhealthy and is on a special diet for the rest of preg and regular blood tests etcOn the plus side atleast you are getting an extra few sets of eyes on you.One thing I will say is they cant have a go at you to eat more or eat less on your babies size, as my baby is measring small by a few weeks and my protective mother decided to say is this anything to do with still having morning sickness or not eating 100% back to normal yet and the answer was---- no, the baby will get all the nutrients needed to grown out of the mothers reserves, the baby will never go without. But obviously the mother has to eat properly for her sake of daily energy etc. So that is complete tush that they said to you and I really hate doctors thta try to bring weight and allsorts into matters!!xxxxxx
Hi ema-lou24, Tiffany messaged me - I did have gestational diabetes. I was diagnosed at 28 weeks and was very scared. Just like you, I was taken to a room with students, a consultant and diabetic nurse and wondered why they needed so many people there, it seemed so unnecessary. The way they judged you like that is terrible - GD can happen to anyone, not just if you're overweight. Thankfully I had a really nice team of nurses who were really helpful.

Mine was diet controlled to begin with but as my pregnancy progressed my levels were harder to control and I went onto metformin (2 at breakfast and then 1 at lunch and dinner), thankfully I never needed insulin. I found I REALLY struggled with breakfast and ended up eating 1 scrambled egg or 1 slice of cheese for breakfast because anything else shot my levels up, but I was told off for doing that because there were ketones in my wee. I didn't weigh myself in pregnancy but I'm pretty sure I actually LOST weight towards the end because I restricted my diet so much and was really good and strict with myself, mainly because I was terrified of the diabetes affecting my baby and making her big etc etc.
I had growth scans at 28 weeks, 32 weeks and 36 weeks (I think that's right!) and towards the end my baby was measuring on the 97th percentile and I was told she would be a big baby. I was booked in for an induction when I was exactly 38 weeks, and was also mentally preparing myself for a c-section.

I'm so glad to tell you that baby Poppy was born healthy with a vaginal delivery and only 7lb 8oz! Her blood sugar was a little low when she was born but that was soon rectified with plenty of feeding :)
She's growing well and is completely gorgeous, she'll be 4 weeks tomorrow.

If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to message me and I'll be more than happy to chat :) xx
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Oh my it is so good to hear a good outcome from all this. I know having diabetes isn't the end of the world, but when they are sitting discussing risks etc, it basically puts the shitters up you!

I sat with a dietician and explained to them everything that I eat, what times I eat etc and they were pretty happy with my diet, and actually seemed shocked that I'm not a junk food junkie! They wrote it all down, went over my blood glucose results and that was when they decided I needed to be on the metformin, something to do with my blood sugar levels after I have eaten that they weren't happy with.

It's so good to hear it from someone who has experienced it instead of people saying "oh u will be fine". Yes I know I will be, but it's still bloody scary to go through and although it's great to be getting extra monitoring, it's still very daunting!

Are u still having to take the metformin now that gorgeous poppy is here? Until you have have another GTT test, u won't know if u still have the diabetes? X
Piglet, u ready to be my text buddy in 8weeks time? Haha x
Haha would be proud to be! Omg I hope u r up the chuffer me lovely! X
I think Gestational Diabetes is just one of those things you can get regardless of your weight and diet. 2 girls at work had it and they were perfectly normal sizes to start with. Obviously I can't tell you what they ate at home but they didn't seem to be stuffing their faces in the office. It went away for both of them straight after the birth. It's horrible to be judged on your weight at any time let alone when they are insinuating you are putting your baby at risk, hopefully the other girls experiences will have a positive influence. We'd all be gutted if something put our babies at risk, especially with all these crazy hormones rushing around xx
I'm not taking metformin anymore and I'm assuming I don't have diabetes anymore, but have to go for a blood test next week just to make sure. All the healthcare professionals really do seem to love scaring the shit out of you don't they?
Yes, there are increased risks but I know a few people who have had GD with their pregnancies and have all been absolutely fine.

Have you got to go for any growth scans at all? x

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