Amniotic Band Syndrome

So much for this pregnancy being less complicated than the last one...

Anyone heard of Amniotic Band Syndrome? We found out today at the 20 week scan that I have an amniotic band, a stretch of tissue joining one side of the amniotic sac to the other, posing a risk to baby (who is otherwise perfectly healthy, thank goodness). At best deformities can include scarring on face and body, at worst it can cause amputation of limbs and obviously fetal death due to blood restriction/ strangulation but I don't even want to think of that.

I'm avoiding the google machine, it's not worth the heartache, but just wondering if anyone has any real life experience of it?

I need to wait 2 weeks to see consultant xx

We lost our baby girl, Emily, due to this at around 18 weeks. I think mainly due to restriction of blood flow. She had bands on her arms, legs and face. She also had a cleft palate on one side as it had not allowed her face to develop properly.

Sorry that I couldn't share a more "positive" experience of this. Fingers crossed for you that it will not affect the baby at all. It is rare, and even rarer for it to cause fetal death so we were unlucky. Thinking of you. xxx
Thanks Fiona, if you read the whole thread you'll find out the result of this, thanks.
Hi, I just noticed as I loaded the thread a second time you had been given the all clear. Doh.

Glad it's good news for you. :D

Wonderful news Leesey.

Sorry to hear about your tragedy Fiona. Another reason for us all to see how lucky we are.
Hi... Im due August 18th. At my 18 wk u/s I was told that there was an amniotic band as well. They told me that there was risk of it breaking and entangling the baby causing limb amputations, and could even cause death to the baby. They said they would monitor me with u/s every 4-6 weeks... A lot can happen in 4-6 weeks though. :( I was in shock and didnt ask too many questions... I later googled and freaked out!! I made an appt with my midwife but she couldnt answer very many questions cause it is pretty rare. She did tell me that the band was down at my cervix and was not near the baby at the time, and looked like it was not near any limbs. I'm more worried now that I know its down at my cervix cuz when my baby turns it will be near the head and neck. The midwife told me there was nothing that could be done but to monitor this pregnancy and try to enjoy it, but did tell me that the bigger the baby got the more riskier it would be. I am a nervous wreck! I go back to my next u/s on May 1st.. and it could not come soon enough. Does anyone know if there is other risks associated with this as well? (Preterm labor/ low birth weight... anything like that? )
Just wanted to share experiences of my friend.
She found out she had this and found that her daughters hand would not develop.
She and her husband were devastated and saw a specialist where they got to ask all the questions they needed to, turns out everything else would be fine with regards to organs, development etc and now their baby is a gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyed, cheeky little lady and her disability doesn't cause her any issues!
It may be the case that your baby isn't affected at all but ask the professionals all the questions you need to when you see some one.
Good luck.

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