

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Hi ladies, so I went for blood tests a few weeks ago and got the results today. It says that I'm in the high risk to have a baby with downs syndrome although there is a big chance my baby will be perfectly healthy. They can offer a test which is a jag through your stomach and into the sac to determine whether or not baby is ok. The only thing about the test is that there is a small chance of MC. So I don't think I want to go through with the tests. I am just wondering if anyone else has had this or anyone can offer some advice x
I had a CVS which is practically the same, but instead of taking amniotic fluid, they took tissue from the placenta.

Whether you have the test or not depends on what your outcome will be dependent on the results. If you feel that you couldn't cope with a child with special needs or whether you just are the sort of person who just needs to prepare for that sort of news. I am the second type of person, and I actually found out that my baby does have downs syndrome. I couldn't terminate, but I feel lucky in some ways to be so prepared for my special little girl to be born.

The choice does have to be your own, and know that hospitals are very experienced with doing this procedure. It is slightly uncomfortable, and you do have to rest up afterwards.

I chose to go privately and went to Harley street in London to have my procedure done, as there was a slightly lower risk of mc there, but that was because of my history of mc (2 in the last year!) an I couldn't go through that again. Feel free to ask me any questions if you need to. Good luck with your choice, and just know that even if the outcome isn't that your baby has the regular 46 chromosomes - your baby is still your baby and there is light at the end of the tunnel! Xxxx
I'v not had any experience of this I was offered the test though (think everyone is) we decided that even if the baby had downs syndrome we would still carry on with the pregnancy so there was no point in risking mc, its completly your choice though don't let what others think pressure you into making a decission x
I'v not had any experience of this I was offered the test though (think everyone is) we decided that even if the baby had downs syndrome we would still carry on with the pregnancy so there was no point in risking mc, its completly your choice though don't let what others think pressure you into making a decission x

Mummy2b is absolutely right! Trust me... I cannot begin to tell you how many people have an opinion on MY choice!!! Xxx
I have had a CVS which is as SoHopeful mentioned before. I also agree with what she says about what the results would mean to you. We didnt have a high chance of Downs but we had high issues for Edwards and Pattau which are much worse as very few babies make it. Sofor me there was no question as if the baby had one of these we would have terminated and i believe that is what they advise as as mentioned a high percentage don't make it to birth and if they do have a very short life.

So i would just say think about what you want out of the results and if as Sohopeful you would rather be prepared for a downs baby if you were to proceed.

The risk of mc is there but is very small and the procedure is very quick and easy.

Hope that helps and all the best x
I had a CVS and look I'm at 35 weeks!!

Baby is super healthy, we got to have lots of extra scans (we had a thick NT measurement) that can also mean heart problems as well as Downs, so we got sent to a specialist too.

I'd reccomend having the procedure done for peace of mind, I know with a CVS the risk of MC is 2% (and I think it's even lower at 1% with an amnio, I could be wrong!) The way I saw it was that if I have a 98% chance of everything being ok! Don't get me wrong I have had nicer things done to me! But it's all been worth while.

Some of the girls in tri 3 had Amnio's too so might be work popping over and putting a post in there.

Good Luck and if you need to talk feel free to PM me!
thanks everyone for replying, it has put my mind at rest a little. Before i got my results, my partner and i decided that we wouldnt have any further tests because that small chance of mc. i've already had 2 this year and just dont know if i could go through that again. Im like you so_hopeful i would like to prepare myself thats all because regardless if my baby had downs or not its stil my baby and i would love him or her no matter what. Now i know there is a high risk im just in 2 minds about what to do. ive got an appointment on wednesday so hopefully i will be sure of whether to take test or not by then xx
they just told me i was a high risk, didnt seem to explain much .
I was 1 in 45 chance. They should be able to give you a number.
Hi ladies, so I went for blood tests a few weeks ago and got the results today. It says that I'm in the high risk to have a baby with downs syndrome although there is a big chance my baby will be perfectly healthy. They can offer a test which is a jag through your stomach and into the sac to determine whether or not baby is ok. The only thing about the test is that there is a small chance of MC. So I don't think I want to go through with the tests. I am just wondering if anyone else has had this or anyone can offer some advice x

hi hun was it just a blood test u had to determine high risk or was it combined with the nuchal scan, as i just found out its not offered everywere!!

as maybe this could be a routine scan to find out if ur as high as you thought instead of the amnio, as a few people at work i know were high risk but paid for the nuchal scan instead of the amnio to determine how high the risk was to find all was ok

im sure u will make the right decision for you, and good luck with the rest of ur pregnancy :) xx
hi lyndsey, yes it was just the blood test i had to determine the high risk, and on the letter with the results its just said that i was a high risk and they could offer amnio to give me the result. i go to the hopsital on wednesday to talk about it so im hoping they can offer more things to see how much of a risk i am x
hi lyndsey, yes it was just the blood test i had to determine the high risk, and on the letter with the results its just said that i was a high risk and they could offer amnio to give me the result. i go to the hopsital on wednesday to talk about it so im hoping they can offer more things to see how much of a risk i am x

hi again

ask them about nuchal translucency test, its routine in my area but not in very area and costs about £50 privately i was told, it just involves another scan which measures the thickness of the fluid on the back of babys neck many peope opt for this before the amnio as it is much safer

Good luck and hope all is well with u both :)
I was high risk and also had a CVS. I guess it depends how much you need to know the outcome. I was told the risk of a CVS was 2% and the amnio risk was 1%. Good luck in whatever you decide xx
Had some good news today, MW phoned me and asked me to go into hospital to discuss my results today instead of tomorrow. It turns out they had made a mistake with my results and I am actually a low risk. So I'm really happy xx
Aaawww that's wonderful hunny :hug: congratulations xxxxxxxxxx
yaay thats great news hun :yay:bit bad of the hospital to mix ur results though and make u worry xx
Aww thats good for you :) really bad that the hospital did that...does that mean that some poor soul has been called to the hospital to get the reverse news :( xx

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