Am worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Alex has been really bad past few days with crying and I have struggled to settle him after a feed and late at night we have had him on infacol and colief from a week old as he had really bad trapped wind both helped but not greatly and in the past few days he has been bringing up a lot of sick and screaming and being very restless on boob and we just did not know what was wrong but he was not himself so hubby gave him gripe water not realising it shouldnt be for babies under a month but Alex is a month exactly tomorrow on the 5th and we gave it him bout 11pm this evening and now I cant sleep am worried about him............:wall2:even tho he is content and sleeping in moses basket

Sorry for long post my first worryng/stressful mother moment
Don't worry about the age limit on it! When they set an age limit they have to take into account the massive weight range of babies that age, so he'll be fine - and if he was born in a month with 30 days he'd be a month old already ;) Glad he's sleeping and hope it's helped :hug:
Charley had it before he was a month. Your not meant to give Calpol before 2 months but I gave it to charley!! Hope he feels better soon x x
Phew was so worried ended up watching him til gone half 2 where he slept soundly just woke for a change and feed so gonna catch an hours sleep now x
i've been having similar problems with jax, really windy and infacol not really helping, DH sggested gripe water tonight so gonna get some over the weekend and see if that helps.
yep its really the only thing that works for alex we had infacol then colief and gripe water is the cheapest and works the best!

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