Am so scared now


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Hi all
As most of you are aware I have a scan tomorrow morning. I am so scared.

My boobs feel like they have gone back to normal they only hurt at night and I did such a stupid thing today....I spotted a little so what did I do? I checked my cervix and it was slightly open and soft,I feel a fool and it isnt something I can tell the midwife I did is it?

I just wish I knew how far along I am..... I only have 18 hours but still,wish I could stop worrying. I do feel sick but dont know if that is in my head. I have no-one to talk to and it is doing me in

thanks bex.x
:hug: awww hun take it easy now tonight and get lots of rest hope all goes well at your scan 2moro will have everything crossed for you xxxxxxx
I really feel for you babe......try your best not to worry tho babe, all the worrying in the world wont change anything.........

Take it easy and try to get an early night! I wish you all the best for tomorrow babe, and I am sure everything wil be just fine.....I will be thinking of you!! :hug: xx
I'm sure it will be fine x

Just relax tonight if you can, thinking of you :hug:
thanks girls means a lot to me,am just so desperate for this baby I have been 7 years waiting nearly and well you know.

Thanks again
Good luck for tomorrow and BTW my boobs had stopped hurting by your stage too and I was also so paranoid x
Bex my boobs don't hurt at all hon - when you say spotting how much? Was it fresh? It may be that you have a cervical erosion which is causing a little spotting and by checking your cervix you could be making it bleed. Now take your fingers out your fairy!!

Good luck for tomorrow, chill out tonight if poss with a warm bath and some nice chocolate and think happy thoughts hon :hug:
:rotfl: Kina you made me nearly wet myself there,yes i know,naughty girl,but in my defense i am trained for that area just wish i didnt know.....

Thanks Kina you do make me laugh.........will let you know as soon as i get back tomorrow

What does a soft cervix mean?

That made me laugh too Kina :rotfl:
Good luck for tomorrow Bexxie, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Make sure you post a piccie.

Cx :hug:
bex, fingers, toes and eveything else crossed for you for today !!

Good luck, let us know how you get on

Hi Bexxie,
just want to wish you good luck for today-will be keeping everything crossed for you


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