Am I the only person who doesnt have a name!?

Hey Rachel huni :)) How are you!? Have you a lovely little bumpy comin along? Mines startin to show a bit now :D Excitin!! I know second tri is flyin in ! Oh Il def let you know :) hopin for a blue bundle but happy either way of course :D! Only 1 week 5 days until the big scan :D Hope little roo is good and lets us see! I know; I dno how anyone waits that long though, im such an organise freak and Id have heartfailure if I went into labour without knowin the name :P xxx

I'm fine thanks, yep bump is getting bigger by the day! Trimester 3 for me in 1 week 5 days, can't believe it! Are you enjoying tri 2?
Make sure you post your scan pic and team update on here after your scan! :D
Nope I have no definate names hubbie thinks he has but we shall see ;) XX
Our two girls names are French and can both be shortened - we picked them cause we like the long and short versions, and my parents live out there for 6 months of the year. We have three baby name books and not one has a boys name we like!! I love Rufus but the OH isn't convinced. I want to shorten it to Rufy!!! Any boys suggestions gratefully received!!!

What are their names hun? Or do you not want me stealin :P? I love Jude, Kyron, and Leo xx
I'm fine thanks, yep bump is getting bigger by the day! Trimester 3 for me in 1 week 5 days, can't believe it! Are you enjoying tri 2?
Make sure you post your scan pic and team update on here after your scan! :D

Awk cute :)!! I dont want to be sly on pregnancy forum but you should join Gurgle :) Its brill and you can put pics up. Heres so confusin to understand :( And il prob lose track of ya lol. My big scans in 1 week 5 days hun :D So stay on the tri 2 threads just for that day :) lol. I hope I can find out the team!! Knowin my luck, LO's legs will be firmly shut blockin the view :( xxx
Hey hun, I wouldn't worry too much, my sister chose names for her 3 only to change them when they were born :) xxx
I haven't got names picked yet either.

The last one i thought of didn't work too well lol.

We will be having rose as a middle name and I had thought of Iona and not twigged. Hubby said it out loud and we burst out laughing

Iona rose... Lol
Hey I'm the same, really struggling with girls names but I really like tyler for a boy, for girls I've choose abbie, lily, or daisy but I'm not certain on any of them yet xx
Well, I'm not meant to tell anyone as hubby has sworn me to secrecy as everytime we suggest anything someone is rude, but you guys are cyber friends so if I tell you then that doesn't count does it??!!! And I'm bursting to tell someone!! lol. We have decided on either Evangeline (Evie) or Abrielle (Elle) for a girl. Not thought about a second name yet. And as long as no one lives next door then I don't mind them being stolen!! lol xxx
I haven't got names picked yet either.

The last one i thought of didn't work too well lol.

We will be having rose as a middle name and I had thought of Iona and not twigged. Hubby said it out loud and we burst out laughing

Iona rose... Lol

Lol that made me giggle :P Both lovely names though hun but yea... I see what you mean about them bein funny together :)) I quite like the alternative Iola?? xxx
Hey I'm the same, really struggling with girls names but I really like tyler for a boy, for girls I've choose abbie, lily, or daisy but I'm not certain on any of them yet xx

I LOVED tyler hun but OH isnt havin it :'( hes like no chance!! And hes a stubborn wee bugger so dont think I can persuade him :( Lol. If baby comes out a boy lookin like a tyler then the names goin on the birth certificate n il just not let OH have a say :P. I like lily hun; lily mae is gorgeous together I think!! :) xxx
Well, I'm not meant to tell anyone as hubby has sworn me to secrecy as everytime we suggest anything someone is rude, but you guys are cyber friends so if I tell you then that doesn't count does it??!!! And I'm bursting to tell someone!! lol. We have decided on either Evangeline (Evie) or Abrielle (Elle) for a girl. Not thought about a second name yet. And as long as no one lives next door then I don't mind them being stolen!! lol xxx

Of course it doesnt count hun!!! :P. Have to say IM FRICKIN LOVIN YOUR NAMES!! :) Evangeline is adorable, with evie for short <3 old fashioned but SO beautiful :)! And def lovin abrielle (elle) :) extra cute!! :D So different and unique! Go for whatever you like hun, dont give a damn about some people who may not like it. If everyone had names that everyone liked the world would be a very borin place :P xxx
I love them too!!! So after all that you know I'm going to end up with a boy who has no name for 3 weeks after he's born!!! lol
I had tyler as my name for my son last time but saw so many chav kids with the name I went off it. I found it was so common and when half of my other halfs friends mums and sister etc had that as their sons names I was like OK name change. I also had Jacob as a shortlisted one for a boy. We never really picked girls names, we found out sex so went from there x
We have our names picked, if its a boy jai john (me and my OH have both recently lost our grandads and there names were john so thought it would be nice) and for a girl kaci-leigh ann xxx
Names are a nightmare. You have to be careful or else the poor little thing gets stuck with something they dont like. We had a shortlist of 8 girls names and now have it down to 3 but whoever you tell someone always turns their nose up or comes up with other suggestions. I love Renée for a girl and we had practically agreed on it until my dad said it sounded like indegestion tablets! now it's off the list.....

Good luck - google is a good way to go though x

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