Am i pregnant help, or am i a freak?


May 3, 2005
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hi my name is lizzy,
i have one liitle boy all ready who is one next week cant believe it. Me and partner started trying for second baby about 25 april (this year), well last period finished then. I think im pregnant now i really feel it any way, if im not i dont know my body at all. I feel sick and really bloated and i never get like that before a period, heavy discharge and completely irrational mood swings, also really heavy crampy feeling low in my belly, and a bit constipated. But is it way to early for me to be pregnant? you'd think i'd remember what it feels like, i dont really. Although i feel pregnant now. Any one know when i should test if at all. im going crazy thinking about it. any one in the same boat?
please reply someone

Hi Lizzy

If you tell us when your last period started and when you are due on again we should be able to help easier.
my last period was 25th april, i think im due again 16th may, but ive stopped pill on the16th of april, i dont know i just feel pregnant but maybe i just convincing myself

hope you can help
Hi lizzy

i had all that last month because i came off the the pill. i was 9 days late, sore boobs feeling sick and really bad cramping but i had myAF. i'm waiting again now this month i am due AF on sunday 8th may. i did an early response (the ones you can do 4 days before) and thats BFN. i'm just hoping i tested too early!
As you have just come off the pill it may take a while for your body to settle down again, so I wouldn't be surprised if the symptoms you are getting are just from that.

Of course, it is always possible you are pregnant, you will have been very lucky to catch first time but these things do happen!
I would wait a while before doing a test, at least until you are a few days late for your period.
Fingers Crossed for you![/i]
it only took me six weeks with my first, it took me a month for the pill to get out of my system then i got pregnant the month after. well no pregnancy is the same so i'll just have to keep my fingers crossed!!
Hi Lizzy

I'm in exactly the same boat as you - even paddling down the same river lol.

I took my last pill on 16th April had AF on 18-22 April

And now 'feel' pregnant. Had cramping, headaches, over emotional, hurty bbs etc.

I've tried to tell myself its all too soon and its just symptoms of coming off the pill - but I'm not doing a good job. also I've been on another forum and theres a lady on there who came of the pill at the beginning of April too and already has a bfp! A lot of people on there also say that you can ovulate quite quickly after coming off the pill - hence why they say take it every day, don't miss it and take it at the same time!

Anyway, who know whats a rule for one is not for another...

hope you get your bfp soon

cheers for response, i know exactly what you mean i keep thinking dont think about im prob not. its symptoms of something else but it bloody hard to do.
i was fertile weekend just gone, i think and since the last time we had sex then immediately i started feeling funny. i conceived with first child just by missing a few pills straight away (first month). maybe it just hopeful thinking and my body is fooling me.
on saturday night i got my hen do, i really worried about drinking if iam preg , having it early anyway cos we trying for bfp. not getting married til september.
this morning i still feel really heavy and quite bloated boobs not really sore today, being feeling sick past three days now though. i will feel so stupid if im not, and be heading straight for the doctors cos if im not something bloody wrong with me.

hope you feeling positive cos thats supposed to help, we feel so blessed about our first preg, to have another would be unbelievable.

tip for getting preg

stand on your head after sex, know many a couple that were trying for years tried this and conceived straight away.
(careful though last time i did it i burst all the capilleries round my eyes!!)

love to hear back from you

lizzy :)
Hello Lizzy!!

I came of the pill in December last year and the following month never came on so i did a pregnancy test two days after i was due on and it was positive!!! So you could well be pregnant! Theres nothing worse than waiting until your due on to take the test the time just drags!

I am now nearly 21 weeks pregnant and hopefully finding out the sex tomorrow!

Well good luck - ill keep my fingers crossed for you!! Let me know!!

Rachel x x x :wink:
thats great! lovely to hear from all these people who have been through the same thing, good luck finding out the sex. the feeling i have at the momment i have only ever experienced before when i was pregnant, im driving my fiance mad. i keep going from being convinced 100% im pregnant to i cant be im losing my mind.

is it your first child, hope your enjoying being pregnant.

lizzy x x :)
Hi again

Yes it's good to hear from others in the same position - and of past experiences where people have got pregnant the same month after coming off the pill.

Lizzy - I'm not feeling positive today - I had more symptoms, like nausea, bad fatigue, cramps down below, and strangely - sorry too much info but I had a big blob of very light brown think stringy discharge when i wiped this morning. what was that about..

For some stupid reason I decided to do a preg test today - bfn suprise suprise, but then if I ovulated when i thought I'd only be 12dpo today anyway.

How do you know when your late for af when it's your first month off the pill anyway?


Impatience I know what you're going through - I came of the BCP at the end of Feb and didn't get AF until 14th April - a 45 day cycle! Prior to going on the bcp 9/10 years ago I had a regular 28 day cycle so such a long cycle is new to me. Around day 30 I had a brown/pink stretchy discharge - only a little (sorry to be so graphic) and I thought perhaps I had an infection... but then I got AF, did a bit of reading on here about "Egg White" (EW) and now I've just had the same thing this month so I think that on day 30 of last cycle was when I ovulated and that I've just ovulated this month (which would be day 19 of my cycle). I know we're all different but perhaps your discharge was EW which would mean you're ovulating now?

I'm just learning about all this now though so apologies in advance if none of the above makes sense :D

Babydust to all x
hi hope you feeling bit better today. dont feel as pregnant today, just assuming im not now really ( i wish). although my partner sed something very valid last night about me maybe being preg, "whats to be sad about? if your pregnant thats great and if not we just keep trying!! which i suppose hes right really we should all stay positive :D

trying more wedding dresses on today which is difficult dont know if ill be preg then, plus mother doesnt know we are trying for bfp which is akward.
had a few strange cravings yesterday, jam, i craved that with first child.

regarding when to expect period im just assuming it will be when it was when i was on my pill.
only 10 days til i can test, best to wait 11 i suppose doubt i will though.

the preg hormone doubles every two days after you conceive so the longer the better.
got hen do tomorrow night, got to take it easy just in case.
any one know if you get a blood test done how long til you get results?

hope every one has a great day

lizzy xx :D
Hello Lizzy,

How long have you got left until you can test??

My periods was very regular so when i came off the pill i tested the day after i thought i was due on not really expecting it would happen this quick but the test was positive i was so shocked!! but very pleased!!

I found out the sex on Friday Its a little boy!!

Well good luck i keep my fingers crossed for you! Let me know!!

Rachel :lol:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

thats fantastic, ive got a little boy hes one nxt monday same day as i can do test, not thinking about it too much.
if im not this time im just going to relax til it happens (well ill try)

had quite a few sympotms today but im sure you can imagine it, if you want it that bad.
well i caught just from missing a few pills last time so it very possible i suppose. i just cant believe i would feel something so early on. every preg different though.

well love to hear back from you how preg are you now, has it been easy preg? take care

lizzy x :wink:
how did it go with preg test?
hope it went well , be nice to hear from you. still syptoms on and off only 6 days til i can test,

take care lizzy
:wink: [/b]
hows the waiting game playing you any more signs? no period i hope. i being quite good at mo, trying not to think about it. only 6 days til test now felt very sick when i first woke this mornin not for long though. still very bloated and heavy feeling, breasts sore a bit today but that might be down to still breastfeeding my little boy. funny taste in my mouth and banging headache. wheres the other forum is it any good?
good luck on bfp

lizzy x x :D
Hello Lizzy,

It was not easy at first! Lots of morning sickness, dizziness, fainting and just collapsing when i got too hot! But now its a lot better - been taking
iron because my blood test showed i had anaemia.

Now i just feel normal and love feeling the baby move!! Its so cute!

Well i hope your test comes back positive - you sound like you want it
really bad! - I keep my fingers crossed for you - Good Luck -
Let me know!!! :o

Thanks for the reply Rachel x

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