Am I nuts?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I was telling my mum the other day that I really wanted another winter baby and that I'd love to be pregnant in the run up to christmas like I was with Doodles (he was due January but he was 7weeks early), she reckons I'm off my rocker. Am I? Obviously I'm going to be thrilled regardless if we finally manage to have another child, though if I'm honest, and I feel quite guilty for even admitting this, it would be quite nice to have a little girl in February.

Am I the only one who would like to be pregnant at a particular time? x
I don't want a bfp this month, firstly because of the gender prediction calendar that says I'll have a boy if bfp this month, also I am organising a massive winter wonderland Christmas party for work and would be due early Dec so don't want to bfp this month! So no, you're not the only one x
I would like a baby at Xmas but this cycle is the time and because of mc is unlikely. So no u r not nuts hun x
Nope your not nuts hun.. Id love to have a christmas baby, even OH said it would be the best christmas present ever.. If its our month il be due christmas week but because il be treated as high risk il be asking to be induced 2-3 weeks early.. x
Not at all :)

I delayed starting ttc because i didn't want a winter baby.

Me and hubby are both winter babies and it sucks - everyone is drained by the time xmas and new year come and go and me and hubby have 11 months with nothing happening ^^

I'm so hoping for a April to September baby ;)
Id prefer not to have a baby late summer... would hate to be heavily pregnant in the heat!
You're not nuts. I would prefer not to have a baby around Xmas and New Year. I would prefer a spring or summer baby I think. Both me and DH are early and late summer babies. Mine is on the longest day of the year which is great for long nights out with my friends :dance:

HOWEVER any baby will do. So no break in TTC.
id like a summer baby! i did say i didnt want a winter baby..
but not bothered now just WANT ONE :wall: :rofl: xx
My hobby is a teacher and reckons children who are born in first months of school year, ie Sept to Dec do better at school, so he really wants us to conceive soon. I'm a Jan baby and hate it cos it's so close to Xmas. But realistically I don't care, just want a healthy happy baby.
Nothing wrong at all! I wanted a autumn baby, she will be one of the eldest in her year. I work with statistics and summer born boys struggle at school :( teachers are aware of them and offer more support if needed. (no offence meant to anyone) my brother is an august baby and struggled, mum wanted to put him back a year but they wouldn't do it.

Alot of the time is sheer luck when it happens and what you have. Xx
I'd like a spring or autumn baby cos I'm scared of trying to get to hospital to give birth in snow or ice and i would rather not be in the early stages of pregnancy over xmas new year because it would be so hard to keep it secret (too much drinking and family get togethers and parties). But obviously I would welcome any pregnancy whenever it came.
My hobby is a teacher and reckons children who are born in first months of school year, ie Sept to Dec do better at school

That has been said to me before.

I think it's supposed to have something to do with them being much less developed when they start school due to age and then if they end up falling behind then they are always playing catch up.

That said, thinking back to my school days there are plenty of exception to that rule too :)
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