Am I mad?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Im going to visit my mum for a couple of days when im 35 weeks. It involves a 2 hour train jounery (1st class of course :wink: ). My mw thinks it will be ok but told me to take my notes with me just in case. Im not going with OH, he would be bored out of his head but he is worried Im gonna have the baby in London. I keep telling that it will be ok but if labour did begin all he has to do is jump on a train, or he could drive.

My pregnancy has been problem free so far so Im not worried about an early labour.

Am I mad???
Do you know what, that's exactly the same as me!!

I've had such an easy pregnancy so far and I couldn't have asked for it to go any better but I keep getting worried and nervous about going into labour to early. I always think hmm no I'd better not do this or I can't do that incase it brings on labour. Time is getting on now and I keep thinking it could happen at any time but i'm sure she's going to be a good baby and stay put till she's due because we've got just over 12 weeks to go yet :pray:
I'd be happy to go at 35 Mum lives about 2 hours away also and I'd be happy to go for a weekend. Like you I've had a textbook perfect pregnancy to date. Just take your notes with you I think you'd be fine. I hope someone is meeting you off the train in London though, it's a manic place at the best of times, let alone when your heavily pregnant. :hug:
I'm going to my dad's wedding when I am 36 weeks. It's my dad - he (hopefully :roll: ) won't be getting married again, so I have to be there. I'm taking my notes and a hospital bag, and if I go into labour early (unlikely - I've never been early for anything in my life!) I'll have the baby in the same hospital I was born in, which will be nice.

I wouldnt worry hun im sure it will be fine.
Lat weekend at 37 weeks i went camping and this weekend at 38 Bernie is away till tonight for work so i was a bit nervous lol.
Ide say at your stage yoru pretty safe , and like you said only a 2 hour train ride or drive
Nicola said:
I hope someone is meeting you off the train in London though, it's a manic place at the best of times, let alone when your heavily pregnant. :hug:

yes, my mums partner is meeting me. Ive asked him the best time to arrive considering rush hour etc to make picking me up easier for him. luckily he works from home so there are few restrictions. We are'nt really going anywhere during my visit either, probably nothing more take a slow waddle to the local cafe :rotfl:
No... we are (possibly) going to my brothers wedding which is a 3 hour drive away (on a good day - can take upto 7 if traffic is bad!!) when I am 38 weeks pregnant. :shock:

Midwife told me to take everything we will need for labour and hospital - including the car seat - to bring baby home in just in case!
I think you'll be fine.... am sure your midwife would have said something if baby was measuring big so you'd have an idea if it would be coming early.....
Its always wise to be cautious so yes take your notes etc with you, and I'm glad you have someone meeting you at the station. Enjoy your trip!

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