am i in labour?


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
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ok this is my 1st baby and i really have no idea what i am feeling!

i have had increased discharge for about 4 or 5 days but it is creamy white
for the last 2 hours it feels like there is a random throbbing in my pelvis it happens every 5 - 10 mins but it only lasts about 10 seconds it but i also feel like someone is sawing through my lowest right rib with a blunt saw. The baby is still making normal baby movements, but definatley more like 10 movements an hour rather than 10 moements a day like it has been for the last few weeks.

am i in labour?
I think pain below your ribs needs checking with your midwife id ring them and tell them your symptoms and they will give you a good idea as to what your feeling, i wouldnt of said labor maybe the warning sighns that things are going to start soon,

let us know how you get on :hug:
Ditto the above, I'd have not said labour but you never know. You'd know if you were having proper contractions. Totally different and a whole new world of pain when they start happening :shock: :lol: You may be having niggles and may get going sometime in the next few days. If anything I'd say this is what they class as pre labour as labour proper isn't official till your contractions are regular and x amount of minutes apart and dilated to a certain amount.

IIRC babies tend to not move around as much during labour as they are engaged and down in your pelvis. Baby may be turning about a bit possibly and the pain under your ribs is LO kicking with feet. Might be engaging?

I'd suggest just giving your MW a call and telling her what you are experiencing. She may just say to sit tight or ask to see you.
Its common in the last few weeks to get an increase in discharge, thats totally normal. Its when it gets snobbly and bloody (your plug) thats usually the sign that things are guna start.

I did have a sort of odd feeling every 10/15mins the day my contractions started. I def wouldnt say your in labour, trust me you have to be in agony before they say your in labour :roll: could be the start of things though definitely.

As for the rib thing sounds like a foot to me! I had this problem with ky. He'd keep his foot under my rib and it was very uncomfortable, painful and made me extremely grumpy!! he kicked me a couple times under the rib and trust me i shot out of my chair! very painful!
my labour just felt like period pain x1000000000 every 5 minutes (the 5 minute gaps gradually got shorter) and they felt like "waves" of pain with "peaks" to them, if u can visualise that? all women are different tho some women feel pain in their back- i didnt tho. at first i wasnt sure whether it was real labour or false alarm, but i'd say once u get to 5cm dilated u will kno for sure! i was unable to focus on anything else during a contraction by that time, couldnt talk or walk etc.

dunno if thats any help, like i said all labours are different so its hard to tell! good luck if this is it :hug:

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