Am I going mad?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

I need some reassurance that I am not losing my mind!!

I had an appointment with my gynae yesterday and whilst at the appointment I told him I thought I could be pg!! I had a beta Hcg blood test done and it came back as 0.7 which is negative.

The thing is, I am having symptoms!! I should be due on today or tomorrow but I am having no signs of it appearing and I am having symptoms of being pregnant.

Am I going mad? Please help ladies!!

Lee-Ann x
I'm sure youre not going mad!
It might be that if you're thinking about it so much you could be under a bit of stress and that can throw everything out of whack. Or it might just be a sneaky AF. Just relax and wait a few days and see if AF comes :)
I am feeling very teary atm because I mc'd at 11 weeks about 7 weeks ago and I have been trying so hard to get pg since.

Maybe I am wanting it too much but I want a baby of my own now. I have lost 3 now and its killing me x
I'm so sorry for your losses.
Its not the same, but I had an early miscarriage last year and the stress and sadness each month with AF was so hard to take so I truly can't imagine how you're feeling.
I assume your periods have returned to normal again so you can easily predict like you said but maybe they are a little unsettled and how you're feeling definitely can have an effect and make AF hard to guess.
There are lots of wonderful ladies here who will be able to help far more than I can, but all I can really offer is try to relax and do little things that make you happy or take your mind off ttc. If you ever need an ear for venting feeling free to pm me, I know the value of an ear or even knowing there's one around can be very valuable.
Good luck and take care of yourself and try and keep that chin up even though it feels impossible sometimes
Thanks Sarah, I appreciate that.

I had a bleed (obviously) after my d&c 7 weeks ago and then about 3 weeks after that I had my period. I have been trying incredibly hard to get pregnant and maybe I am trying too hard.

I have had cramps, on and off for over a week but nothing to show for it and that doesn't normally happen to me.

I guess I just have to try to be patient and let it happen when it does x

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