Am I daft?lol


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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When I was feeding Bex her bottle today and she was chewing away on the teet (she is teething) I wondered if breastfed babies chew on the nipple and wouldn't it be agony? Also when the buba gets a tooth what happens then? :think: Ouch I think! :wink:

Sorry I am just intrigued and hope someone can answer my silly questions.xx :)
They can bite the nipple when teething, Seren has no teeth yet but has gone through a phase of biting down with her gums. I either took her off if she bit, or if she was really biting I would push her close to me so she had to let go to breathe (sounds really nasty written down but she always let go straight away). She has stopped doing it for now but will soon find out what it is like with teeth. Am not nervous about it as I think by that stage what with everything my nipples have gone through I will have no feeling left. I guess its just another joy of being a mum :D
Oscar has 2 bottom pegs and top ones will be through soon. He has bitten me a couple of times and it is absolutely agony! He doesn't chomp on it like he would on a silicone teat, but when he bites..... boy do we know about it!!!!

Emilia xx
Ella's caught me a couple of times with her teeth, but she doesn't chomp on them :)
OUUUCCHHH! Olivia hasn't got any teeth yet but yesterday and today her new trick is to clamp down with her gums and pull her head back or pull her head sideways away from my boob. I hope she stops this phase soon, especially as she wont take a bottle at all so I don't have a back up!


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