Am I clutching at straws?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hiya all.

My CM ended a day or two ago so am assuming I am in the 2ww. I've felt terrible for about 2 days - my legs and back have seriously ached, I've felt drained of energy, my appetite has disappeared and after eating/drinking I seem to feel bloated very quickly. I haven't slept properly for 2 nights, couldn't get comfortable and sleeping on my stomach was v. uncomfortable for some reason. I have sharp pains in my left side when I *ahem* use the loo (SORRY TMI)! Last night I felt like I had trapped wind and needed to burp but whatever I tried, I couldn't! Instead ended up gagging.

I have also had hot flushes. Veins on my boobs are quite visible and my husband commented on how much bigger they are. The veins have not gone since OV.

I had stomach pains last night which were sharp pangs. Noticed on the 14th when my CM was more clear with some white tinges and v. stretchy, a speck or two of dark brown/red - too light to be absorbed into my panty liner (TMI) but noticeable. I also had what looked like a small dot of blood on the 18th, very small.

We BDed as much as poss this month, can't remember specific days but I know we BDed on the day before my EWCM and the day of EWCM as well as 2 days later etc.

Any ideas? x x
Hey Hun,

You never know you might have OV'd a while back as your cycles are irregular right??

Don't judge off CM, especially if you have been BDing a lot as it might be affected by, how can I put it?... Man Juice!! lol!

If you having such strong symptoms I'd test now and see what happens.

Hope this is it for you! xx
Thanks MaybeBaby, hope this is it too!

The only reason I went by the CM is because I have been reading on fertile CM and it looks like mine was on the 14th but then on the 17th, I had stretchy CM again but those 3 days in between it was not stretchy and was creamy. Noticed last night I had a little bit off white CM, not much though.

I'm due to test on the 26th, not long to go now. I feel a bit better today though my back still aches a lot and I've got yet another headache. Don't want to feel like I have symptoms then a BFN. :( x
Yep I know what you mean about getting your hopes up and symptom spotting, this will be me next week after OV!

Fingers crossed for you! xx
It's bloody awful. I've restrained from symptom spotting as much as I can but sometimes it helps to write it all down and get it off your chest.

I just want to get the 2ww over with so I can test! x x

Enjoy BDing! :p x
MissJ - my boobs are ginormous all of a sudden; just made me think cause my OH also said mine look bigger then norm too lol!
Have given up symptom spotting and on countdown til 26 Oct!
Oh buggering internet! I wrote out a lovely long reply and it bloody went offline.


Basically (luckily for you lot, I will cut it short. :p )

I noticed clear CM with pale pink tinge yesterday, first noticed when I wiped, so... wiped again lol and looked at it from every which way and at first couldn't decide on colour but it was defo not white, defo not brown and defo not red. Looked pale pink!

As I wonder if my most fertile day was 14th when I had v. stretchy EWCM, it would have been 6 days since...too early for implantation?

What does everyone reckon??

x x
Hiya Gemini, well yesterday I had to crawl up the stairs because my body just felt knackered and aching! Plonked myself on our bed and could have just dozed off but made myself get up lol. Had to go bra-less yesterday (I'm 34G so it's not really practical!) cos the weight of my boobs were making me ache even more lol - bloody bra doesn't fit anymore anyway! My nipples feel slightly more sensitive but not painful so not really much of a symptom I guess.

I still have dull aches on my left side so not really sure what's happening.. No sign at all of AF so far.

Was going to pop out and do a small shop and perhaps sneak a test in my basket but I just don't know how far past OV I am.

Hope you're ok Gem? xx

Praying like mad that we'll see a BFP soon.

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