am I being selfish (bit of a rant)


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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As some of you know I live in Greece, I havent seen my mum and Dad since last August so they have only seen pics of me preggie etc, anyway they are on a cruise at the mo and the ship will be docking in Corfu for one day on Monday and me and DH are going upto town to meet them for lunch and spend the day with them, I have been really looking forward to this, anyway my DH said to me yesterday should we ask his mum to come as well, I said that I didnt really want her to come as I wanted to spend time just us together (oh my aunt and uncle will also be there with my mum and dad) also my mum is coming over here mid may to be with me when baby born so my MIL will be able to see her lots then, well my DH said ok he wouldnt ask her.
Then he came home from work today and informed me that his mum has to go up to town on Monday to see the doctor so she will be coming with us in the car rather than getting the bus (which takes an hour) and will probably meet us after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can I say, we will be with my parents until about 4-5pm and were then going to go shopping and get rest of baby bits that we need but if my MIL is with us all afternoon it means my DH will have to talk to her rather than my parents. I am a little bit peeved about it to say the least!!!!!!!! also I doubt that she has got the doctors and if she has that will only take approx 1/2 hour!!!!! sorry I dont expect any replies I just wanted to have a moan!!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil: also my MIL never goes out and does not seem to have any friends so she relies on us for entertainment and her and my FIL never do ANYTHING together

I do get on with my MIL and she is lovely but I wanted to spend the day just us if you know what I mean
awwww hun, it doesnt seem quite fair. it should be a time for you and your family and it seems she is trying to muscle in on your time. hope you get to spend the quality time with your parents-you deserve it :hug: :hug:
Thankyou Tangerine dream, will have to wait and see what happens on monday. I know she gets lonely but that is not my fault!!! I am so glad my mum will be here for a few weeks when baby is due as I know my MIL will do my head in, she's already promised my DH niece that she can feed/bathe/dress my baby, not her decision it will be mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I MUST NOT LET THIS STRESS ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will probably be fine and I am worrying over nothing :pray: :pray: :pray:
You don't sounds selfish atall...I would feel the same in your position.hope you manage to sort something out.
Hi Tuck :wave:

Sorry to hear your plans have been disrupted. Does sound a little like your MIL is getting her own way here. Do you think your OH is just unaware of how he can be manipulated by his mum?

I don't understand why she has to spend the whole afternoon with you if her appointment is only for an hour in the morning? :think: Is there any way you can persuade OH/MIL that she'd be bored with your folks and would probably be better off going home, in advance of you, on the bus?

I sympathise with you wanting this time for you and your family with your OH. You haven't seen them for so long and it would have been nice for them to spend the time exclusively with you and OH. Maybe your MIL could just join you for lunch or a coffee or something? :roll:

As for your MIL arranging who is looking after the baby - well sorry but I think I'd have to respond to that in a firm but definite way to say "no"... just to discourage her from taking over. Give in once and you could find it's a way of life :|

Thanks for your replies girls, I hope that I am worrying over nothing!

I dont begrudge her coming up to town with us but it's funny how she suddenly has a doctors appointment and never mentioned it before!!!!

I think that I am just feeling extra sensitive as well at mo and silly as it seems, nervous about seeing my parents with my big bump and I know that my mum (bless her) will start fussing about my swollen feet etc etc etc.

I'm not going to worry about it any more and just see what happens.

thanks again girls :hug: :hug: :hug:
id feel exactly the same way. i hope things work out for you tomorow. maby you could suggest that you split up for about when in town, so you get to speak to your parents without your mil there

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