am I being paranoid?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2014
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Hi ladies. I don't know whether I'm just being paranoid or if pregnancy care has just changed soo much since my second child but I had my son prem at 27 weeks due to a uti and a mc at 10 weeks and on my 20 week scan with my 3rd pregnancy I had placenta previa and bump was measuring small so I was sent for a growth scan every week as there was a problem with the placenta and the blood flow was slower then normal so the thought my daughter had iugr and was induced at 37 weeks, I did have steroid jabs at 25 weeks incase she came prem too. She was 5 15 born. Now at my 20 week scan this time I have placenta previa again but as they don't measure your bump till you are 25 week plus in my area the midwife has said everything is fine see you at 36 weeks for a placenta scan. I have asked to meet the consultant as I am ment to be consultant led to ask if I have to have any steroids or growth scans with this one. Has anyone been in the same boat. I felt I shunt be left to it incase I have yet again another problem or is the midwife right saying to leave me to it? She didn't seem that interested in any back ground and was talking over me when I was trying to explain. Sorry for the rant
Hmmmm. Did she mention when you would be seeing your consultant? At my booking in appt, the mw let me know at what weeks I would be seeing the consultant or her (although tbh, I mostly just see the consultant now). It never hurts to call and ask, just let her know you have concerns. She really shouldn't talk over you and needs to be open to what you have to say. It could be possible that she is waiting for you to have your dating scan before sending you to the consultant, but like I said, I would ask to be sure what is going on.

And no, you are not paranoid. This is the health of you and your baby.... I would want to know what's going on too.
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I've booked myself in for the 7th July to see the doctor. The midwife said my background was nothing to do with it and I was fine to continue to wait for the 36 week scan for the placenta. How can my background not come into consideration that's where I'm confused. Got to see the midwife at my docs next week to get my mat b 1 etc. I have had my 2 scans now but I wud assume they would atleast want to do one growth scan about 28-32 weeks x
Considering your history, I'm a little surprised you don't have consultant led care. From my experience, the consultant has absolutely no issues with ordering extra scans, just to be on the safe side. I hope things go well at the docs :)
Thanks. I'll c what the consultant says on the 7th July. I just want to make sure baby is ok this time. Having quite alot of achey pains recently and baby still seems to be really low and rite on my pubic line is where she is kicking alot. I don't remember if that's normal.
Mine moves up and down quite a bit. One minute she's at my ribs and the next I swear she's about to wave hello from down below lol.
Haha bless. Well just had an appointment with a midwife at my doctors today so I could get my mat b 1 form and she had the same concerns as me and has told me when I see the consultant at the hospital in a couple of weeks to demand another scan to make sure I have no problems with my placenta again (except the placenta previa) and to make sure my girl is growing fine as the last midwife didn't take my previous pregnancies into account and if there is a problem we can pick it up now rather then at 36 weeks. It's scary as I could of lost my last daughter at any moment as the cord was so thin it could of snapped at any time. Soo happy I've found a midwife who agreeded with me :)
I'm glad to hear you found someone who will listen! Finding the right person can really make a difference :) Next time you have to see a mw, I would request her. Good luck at the my experience, they seem very cautious and will order extra scans at the drop of a hat, bust to make sure everything is going well.
Ye I'm sticking with her now haha. The consultant is really good I had her with my last daughter I just can't wait to see her now :) thanks x
Got my appointment with the consultant tomoz morning wish me luck ladies. X

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