
Oct 3, 2007
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This is my first baby and I'm almost 23 weeks, I have a very pronounced bump and as far as i'm aware i'm a normal size, however all i seem to hear from people from work is..

Ooooh aren't you big.., I think your having a boy/girl because your all out in front/all around

Have you put on much weight?

That baby is gonna be huge!!

I was never a skinny minnie before and like every woman is a bit sensitive about my chunky bits, so finding my size and weight being commented on a bit wierd

I've probably been guilty of commenting on pregnant bumps, so prob just feelin a bit over sensitive

Thanks for the rant xxxx
I got a similar comment the other day.... my work collagues said to me "I can't believe you are only 18 weeks, your bump is huge!!!"

Now.... It's not huge it's just there, and I've only put on 11lb which according to my book is slap bang in the middle of the expected weight gain at this stage....

What gives people the right to comment on your bump... you wouldn't tell someone struggling with their weight they were looking huge, so why tell a pregnant woman...

I had a friend pregnant last year who looked full-term at about 5 months pregnant but then didn't get any bigger that was it and she used to get really upset when people told her how big they thought she was....

I think we have to put up with people making comments about our pregancies!!! they're never going to change!!!

i get the opposite, all i get is......

are you sure of your dates
i was much bigger than that
ur never that far gone

etc etc etc

i think everyone is different, dont worry hun :hug:
I get the opposite too-someone said the other day- " I bet some people don't know you're pregnant-you just look like you've put weight on!!"

I didn't know how to respond??? It's not excactly a compliment, but then the person wouldn't have meant it being mean??

How rubbish is that tho? I want to look pregnant, not just like I've eaten too many pies!!
Im sorry if your work collegues are being a bit insensitive. :hug:
I think most people think putting on weight in pregnancy would not be a negetive issue the same as weight gain at normal times.
So they proberly think they our actually giving you a complement.
Im usually a size 12 im now in size 16/18 joggy pants on the bump area.
I am a shortie and the bump as no where to go but out ive been huge as a house for weeks now AND I LOVE IT
Im happy as larry to have put on baby weight. :D
But i understand not everyone is
Dont let the comments get to you to much hon :hug:
just remember its all needed to help you little one to grow big and strong

look at the compairing Tummy size post at The top of Tri2
everyone has different sized bumps at different stages of pregnancy.
Every body looks fantastic what ever thier size
And i am sure you look brilliant to

Hears some big hugs from me hon :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys, I am proud of my bump and i love it, but when i hear those comments I start panicking that I'm gonna have a 14 pounder baby :shock:

And that I'm gonna be a total lard arse by the time my due date arrives!!

Ah don't worry about people saying that. I figure most of the time things like that get said simply so the other person has something to say. Men have not commented at all on my bump. Its always women and they always have some remark to make.

I now have a huge bump, it suddenly went from being small sized to errupting overnight but no one has yet commented, apart from my hubby, who loves it and keeps telling me, with a daft look on his face, we are having a baby :roll: Bless him. :lol:

I just take no notice whatever gets said. According to my MW my fundal height is spot on (when lying down in thick fog :rotfl: not that I read much into it) and my scan showed baby to be average size.

Of course, we are now in growing spurt stage so :roll: Plenty of women who get huge bumps in pregnancy don't have huge babies. I consider it a bit of a myth.
Bumps all sit in different ways so I think that's one reason why people compare bumps and come out with the idea that they are bigger or smaller than they should be. Some people have low bumps with everything in them. My bumps starts under my breasts where I assume I am now keeping the organs baby has pushed out of they way :rotfl: so if I wear a top that ties under the bust people comment on my size and if I don't, they don't.

Like Sherlock says, people just want to say something. And if they can't think of something intelligent to say, they say something stupid. :roll:
:hug: :hug:
People always seem to comment when its nothing to do with them

I get the opposite - oh u are quite small aren't u? Well yeah I lost a hell of a lot of weight being sick all the time. And so what if I am - I'll have a little baby :lol:

Just ignore them!
Like Kalia, my bump starts right under my boobs (I'm petite) so I look huge, but I like that!

I do get stupid comments, and yes, they are mainly from female colleagues, but like Sherlock says, my baby is bang on the measurements she should be so hopefully she'll be average sized.

I hope so anyway - my OH was over 10lb and so was his dad :shock: good job I'm having a girl, eh?
I used to get that too..Everybody at work used to say I was huge and they were sure hospital have my dates wrong. It does get very annoying, but I just thought to myself 'They haven't got a clue,' My fundal height has always been on target or up to 2 weeks behind, and at all my growth scans baby has been just under the target size and weight AND I have low fluid. Now I just change the subject if somebody tries to mention it. Unfortunately that's what happens when your pregnant - People feel it necessary to comment on anything and everything and I have to admit I used to do it to people too - I'll think twice now!! :lol:

Some people are just insensitive, and others are just downright rude.

I started off in this pregnancy getting big really early, and had the "oh you are massive" comments, but for the last few weeks my bump has stopped growing so I now look more in proportion.

Try to ignore the silly comments and focus on enjoying your preganacy.

Try not to worry hun, :hug: i had a spell of feeling like this with my 1st. I remember people saying ohh your big, or ohh your small and that it was a boy/girl bump. I worried that i looked too small, then too big!!

Have to say though that i myself blabbed stuff like that when i saw friends bumps etc. Now i stick to saying 'ohh your glowing' if they are big. and that their carring 'neat' if small.


Im also guilty of asking people with newborns if the 'babys good' I hated that when id had him as he bloody well wasnt! :rotfl:
I swear it just falls out my mouth when i see newborns. I walk off thinking they'll be cursing me! :rotfl:
I'm used to it now from 8 weeks i had the baby belly and now i look soooo far gone. ( but MW told me because its my 2nd you tell earlier)

But yes ive had the comments about having so much weight already and i really should be careful what im eating because i'll never loose the weight, what they don't understand is at the moment i still cant eat a thing, so its nothing to do with that. And with me being so petite i am going to look huge anyway.

Just ignore then hun, maybe when they get pregnant you could return the favour just be sliiping in how BIG and ROUND they are starting to
I personally love my bump and knowing my peanut is comfy in there.
There is something about being pregnant that makes people think they have the right to comment on our size! Sometimes it drives me mad. It's not soo bad when it's my mum or other family, it's when complete strangers feel they need to comment!!

Just remember, we all carry differenty and look different - no matter the size of the baby. I'm sure all will be fine. :)


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