Am i too sensitive?


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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As some of you might know have been getting jibs about how much weight i have put on lately (from my best mates and people at work). It has been making me feel terrible and really not liking myself.

Anyway that was all the other day but now my O/H came home yesterday from the pub (he was out with my best friends o/h). He started telling me stories that his mate had told him about their sex life. I turned around and said i hope you dont say any thing to him. He said only that you dont put out at the moment!!!!

OK so i dont but thats not the point with the way i have been feeling about myself i dont want to. The thing is he said this to my best mates O/H and he is bound to tell her. I dont want her thinking how great she is and i am not at the moment.

I just started crying and when i told other y he said you are just over sensitive and care about your best mate more than our baby!!! WHATEVER! I just dont want her knowing my business and stressing me and my baby out.

Is o/h being insensitive or is it me being silly?
No you are not over sensitive you are pregnant! No one but a pregnant woman can understand how complex our feelings are! I don't have sex at the mo' either, its the last thing I feel like! I'd be peed off whatever my DH was saying about our sex life its private and just between the two of you! I wouldn't want to hear the second hand boasted details of my mates sex life either, sounds like her OH has a lot of respect for her (not), maybe that's why she puts you down to make herself feel better!

I can't believe that you best mate is making jibes about your weight! We are pregnant. We are putting on weight for a good reason and loads of water if my stubby sausage fingers are anything to go by! I am also so fed up with all the females I know checking me out, looking at my bump and my hips and I know silently judging me! I am guessing your best mate hasn't had kids herself yet, haha her turn will come and by then you will have lost all the baby weight and be a yummy mummy!

Perhaps you could have a word with your OH when you are not arguing and tell him that being pregnant does make women more sensitive and our bodies are in overdrive doing amazing things, but the cahnges can be a big shock! At the end of the day you love each other and are making a special baby together, I am sure he will come round. As for the friend I would avoid her and only see people that make you feel good about yourself. You have your LO to consider as well as yourself and being stressed out and upset is not good for either of you. At the end of the day everything you are going through feelings wise is totaly normal so don't be stressing that you are doing anything wrong because you are not, we all deserve to be a bit of a diva when pregnant, I know I am :lol:
i will echo that imwarr!
we are doing one of the best things in the world- creating a new life.

i went to brighton shopping on sunday & was surrounded by bronzed beauties in bikini tops & mini skirts all day & it did make me feel shit & like a whale, but next summer we will be back to normal (hopefully!!) but we will have the added bonus of a bundle of joy to love.

your friend does sound very insensitive & a bit jealous of you maybe to have to put you down all the time. you have to rise above it & think we have less than 14 wks left & believe me even though i think it is sometimes going so slowly, i have done this twice before & these last weeks will fly by.

take care we are in this together girl!!! :D
Thank you both. You have cheered me up :dance: .

I love this site and can always rely on lovely people like yourselves, x
Big hugs to you hun, I couldnt put it any better than those before me I just wanted you to know that you have my support, does sound like a bit of jealousy hun.
Be happy you have a wonderful little life growing inside you, wherever you are there are two souls, two hearts, two beings. She sounds pretty empty both in the head and the heart.

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