am i allowed to eat ..........


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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soft spreadable cream cheese ???
came home from work the other day and put some on some crackers then realised after i finished that i might not be aloud to eat it.

also penuts and cashew nuts i had some of the other day, then had to stop myself. how strict are people being with their diet ?????
I don't really have to be that strict coz the things i'm not supposed to eat, i never do! But I do eat peanuts, i was told i should only worry bout it if i have a family history of alergies and nut allergies, and i love peanuts and i want baby too lol.

You can have soft cream cheese coz its made with pasteurised milk, you cant have soft unpasteurised cheese like camembert ( :puke: ) and stilton and brie. But u can have cottage cheese and hard cheese as well.
Philadelphia type cheese is fine, it's just brie & stilton type cheeses you have to avois. And goats cheese I think? With nuts, as far as I remember it's just peanuts you have to avoid and only if you have a family history of either peanut allergy or asthma.

I'm being more relaxed with what I eat this time round. I'm still avaoiding the biggies (like pate, brie & sushi) but have eaten well cooked prawns, tuna & nuts.
Yes to cream cheese. Pasturised cheese is fine, so don't worry.

Cashews are fine IIRC.

Peanuts, well it depends where you sit on the fence on that. The medical advice in the UK (which is currently under urgent review) is that PG women avoid peanuts during pregnancy. Especially if they or their partner have allergies etc.

However, we are the only country in Europe to advise this and since doing so peanut allergy rates in children have soared and we have the highest rates in Europe now. Hence the urgent review.

The thinking had been that if you don't eat them your child therefore won't be exposed to them in the womb and run the risk of being allergic.

The argument against this is that by eating peanuts while PG your child will have exposure to them in the womb which means they will build up a tolerance to them and therefore *not* be allergic when born, nor develop an allergy to them.

I personally go with the latter based on the stats and science that backs it up. And the fact that we are pretty much alone in our medical advice on this. And in other countries where peanuts are eaten as part of the diet allergy rates are low to non existant.

I've been eating peanuts through pregnancy and am happy I have done so. My mother ate them when carrying me as did many other mothers until more recent years. Before that allergy rates were low, now they are insanely sky high.

Do some online research and make up your own mind :)

Also if you google 'foods to avoid when pregnant' or something you'll find lists of what you should avoid. Here is a starter for you ... cleid=917#

Things like pate and liver are a no due to vitamin A content.
Unpasturised cheeses
Soft cheeses (brie, camembert etc)
Raw/runny yolked eggs (tho tbh if they come from vaccinated flocks they are jabbed against samonella so I eat them runny)
Avoid caffiene are much as possible (stops iron absorbing into your system and is also linked to other health issues when PG)

I'm sure you can go do some reading to find out more on it all :)
ohhhhhh i know what that is, in my dream it kinda looked like a thick soup :?
Oh I love pate especially with loads of garlic in it, but since finding out I am pregnant, I have not eaten it.

One mistake I did make was to eat coleslaw on a couple of occasions, but have felt fine. Haven't eaten it since. It was really annoying choosing a sandwich at Morrison's last week, there's so much with mayo in and I'm avoiding that like the plague! I had to settle for a cheese and pickle sandwich.
AliCat said:
Oh I love pate especially with loads of garlic in it, but since finding out I am pregnant, I have not eaten it.

One mistake I did make was to eat coleslaw on a couple of occasions, but have felt fine. Haven't eaten it since. It was really annoying choosing a sandwich at Morrison's last week, there's so much with mayo in and I'm avoiding that like the plague! I had to settle for a cheese and pickle sandwich.

You can eat mayo from jars, its fine. And I've been munching coleslaw all the way through pregnancy. Mayo in shops is made from vaccinated chicken eggs etc. Its home made mayo you need to avoid.

And as for coleslaw, if you are avoiding it for the mayo reason, then same thing, afaik its safe to eat.
I think mayonnaise is ok if it's shop-bought - so no need to worry about the sandwiches as I guess they will be the same.

I'm with Sherlock on the peanut thing - read a similar thing. I have friends who ate peanuts all the way through and their children have yet to exhibit allergies.

Here's another useful website incase you've not seen it yet: ... pregnancy/
Thank god for that, Sherlock!! I ate the coleslaw, and then thought 'should I have eaten that?' I'm glad it's safe to eat, but I don't really like mayo anyway, so don't eat huge quantites of it.
Husband won't let me eat peanuts, he's paranoid that our baby will be born with allergies, but there's not much in the way of allergy history that runs in our families, my dad has hayfever, and I'm allergic to horses :shock: and had eczema due to reaction to latex gloves/soap I was using when I worked at a nursing home, but nothing like bad asthma or eczema. We're both from the country (me esp) and was exposed to pollen, farm animals etc...
AliCat said:
Thank god for that, Sherlock!! I ate the coleslaw, and then thought 'should I have eaten that?' I'm glad it's safe to eat, but I don't really like mayo anyway, so don't eat huge quantites of it.
Husband won't let me eat peanuts, he's paranoid that our baby will be born with allergies, but there's not much in the way of allergy history that runs in our families, my dad has hayfever, and I'm allergic to horses :shock: and had eczema due to reaction to latex gloves/soap I was using when I worked at a nursing home, but nothing like bad asthma or eczema. We're both from the country (me esp) and was exposed to pollen, farm animals etc...

Coleslaw is fine so :)

TBH I'd talk to your MW about not eating peanuts at all. If you are not in the high risk catagory (and even this is debateable also) then chances are eating them won't cause any problems. FWIW I am asthmatic but think avoiding peanuts is a crock as I said in my earlier post. Peanut allergy rates in children have soared since the Gov. advised women to *not* eat them when PG. And other European nations don't advise women to avoid them. I personally think the statistics speak for themselves and so munch away on them from time to time even though I don't really like them. I think I am more likely to make my child allergic to peanuts by avoiding them totally when PG than if I eat them on and off.

And also I know of some here who avoided peanuts totally when PG as per Gov advice and whose child still turned out to be allergic. The lady in question posted her story a while back and explained what had happened.
I was told not to eat peanuts through all my pregnancies and I wont!
It is, of course, everyones own choice ot decide what is best for themselves and their babies but I personally prefer to follow the advice that is out there!
The reason they want pregnant women, with a history or family history of allergies, to avoid peanuts is they think, babies can become sensitized in the womb, then when exposed out of the womb, they suffer a more severe anaphylactic reaction! The child still could get an allergy to the peanuts, but the initial reaction would not be so severe if they havent been already sensitized in the womb! They do however need to do more research into this!

I have been craving philidelphia like crazy! And mayo! lol

If you go to ... 9442955622 they will tell you all about what you can & cant eat & their staff are very helpful via email.

Lea M you CAn have Philli & mayo as long as the mayo isnt homemade so go for your life :D if anyone wants a copy of the leaflet via email just give me a shout as i cant find the link to the pdf document of it all as theyve updated their website. xx
Thanks! :D
I know I have been stuffing my face with them both all week!! YUM actually, I fancy some phili on a cracker now!! hee hee
Oh no not again! :( I have non in!! hee hee
Peanuts are integral to my family!!!

I'm sure the advice out there is on the careful side just incase, but we're big ob peanuts and no allergies in the family so i think it will be okay 4 me
Thanks ladies for all your replies.
I will def not eat mayonaise but its like my nan said sometimes pregnant women are over cautious now adays, they didnt have all these do's and dont's back then and all there babies were ok.
its just so strange how rules keep changing. my mum said they use to make you eat liver once a week back when she had me and now your not allowed to touch the stuff.
:wall: :wall: :doh: :doh:
wish these people would make up there mind it doesnt take much too confuse me
Huddsgirl said:
Thanks ladies for all your replies.
I will def not eat mayonaise but its like my nan said sometimes pregnant women are over cautious now adays, they didnt have all these do's and dont's back then and all there babies were ok.

Shop bought mayo is fine to eat when PG (Hellmans etc) so if you like it don't deprive yourself. Its safe :)

Home made mayo should be avoided.
oooooooo ok. well i dont have to have it i just like it in the occasional sandwich :lol:
The main reason they said not to eat homemade mayo, is because it is made with raw eggs, which in turn could give you selmonella!
Shop bought mayo is made with an pasturised egg so is fine to eat!! :D

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