Am 8 days late but not pregnant.. slightly concerned


Feb 12, 2019
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Me and my partner have been trying for a baby for a few months now.

Usually my periods are on time or maybe one or two days either side but never this late (8days)

I took a pregnancy test and went to a friend whose a nurse to check if I was pregnant and both negative.

I've been getting mild to strong cramps but nothing too bad I just through it was pre menstral but still no bleeding.

Plus usual pre period pains i.e. Sore boobs , headaches etc isn't there.

This has never happened to me before and am worried something is wrong.

Anyone else experienced this?
I am going through the exact same thing at the moment. My cycles are usually bang on 28-29 days and now I'm on day 38, which makes me 9 days late.
Normally I always get sore boobs prior to my period but nothing this time just cramping and the feeling I'm about to start every minute which doesn't happen in the end.
My pregnancy tests all came back negative, not even a hint of a line and the doctor wasn't very helpful either.
So I know exactly how you feel but unfortunately I can't really help you cause I don't have a clue to what's going on with me either.
Are you certain when you ovulated?
Do you temp and use opk's?
You may have just ovulated later this cycle or you may just be having a weird cycle. Us women tend to have them and we only really notice them when we are TTC.
Hope AF arrives for you soon, so you can move on to the next cycle.
I once had an anovulatory cycle and my body only shed the uterus lining 4 weeks after AF was due! You don't want to know how much money I spent on hpts!:lol:
It's no fun since you don't know when AF will come. Do you have random ewcm?
Have you confirmed ovulation in anyway as the others have said it could be you ovulated late or are having a cycle that you haven't ovulated at all in or it's a very shy bfp waiting to happen. I hope it's a shy bfp for you as I'm in the same boat 2 days late and I haven't been this late since I was a teen and my cycles were still up in the air. I know when I ovulated aswell
WTF is happening to everyone this month?! So many people going through the same thing. I swear there's a nationwide scandal, or some sort of global warming thing :p So weird.
WTF is happening to everyone this month?! So many people going through the same thing. I swear there's a nationwide scandal, or some sort of global warming thing :p So weird.
I was just thinking the same thing. Something in the air is messing with our cycles :good:
Hi girls.
This is happening to me as well. I am 10 days late and took 2 test which were neg
No symtomes for af coming.only thing that I noticed was ewcm Sunday and today. I don't know what's going on
Are you certain when you ovulated?
Do you temp and use opk's?
You may have just ovulated later this cycle or you may just be having a weird cycle. Us women tend to have them and we only really notice them when we are TTC.
Hope AF arrives for you soon, so you can move on to the next cycle.

Hey babe,

So bear with me while I get used to these acronyms .

No I didn't use the opk's this month as I downloaded an app and thought as I've done them a few months I should be ok! Silly me

Yeah I'm hoping that's the case and it's only a strange cycle and AF arrives soon. Never be so happy to see her
Have you confirmed ovulation in anyway as the others have said it could be you ovulated late or are having a cycle that you haven't ovulated at all in or it's a very shy bfp waiting to happen. I hope it's a shy bfp for you as I'm in the same boat 2 days late and I haven't been this late since I was a teen and my cycles were still up in the air. I know when I ovulated aswell

So I was in a lot of pain on the weekend with cramps etc, so did a hpt and then my nurse friend tested it at the docs as well, and still negative.

It's strange as the pre menstral symptoms I normally get just aren't there! But I'm feeling nauseous in the evenings and really bloated. Could be a strange cycle with different symptoms but still really odd. X
So I was in a lot of pain on the weekend with cramps etc, so did a hpt and then my nurse friend tested it at the docs as well, and still negative.

It's strange as the pre menstral symptoms I normally get just aren't there! But I'm feeling nauseous in the evenings and really bloated. Could be a strange cycle with different symptoms but still really odd. X
My fingers crossed for you babe xx
I once had an anovulatory cycle and my body only shed the uterus lining 4 weeks after AF was due! You don't want to know how much money I spent on hpts!:lol:
It's no fun since you don't know when AF will come. Do you have random ewcm?
i s already done 3 hpt so I can imagine
So I was in a lot of pain on the weekend with cramps etc, so did a hpt and then my nurse friend tested it at the docs as well, and still negative.

It's strange as the pre menstral symptoms I normally get just aren't there! But I'm feeling nauseous in the evenings and really bloated. Could be a strange cycle with different symptoms but still really odd. X
Yea I've done 2 test both aren't very sensitive one of which I got thinking it was the first response 6 days early that's really sensitive grabbed the wrong one it the same box just different writing and it's like 20 times less sensitive to the point a clear blue digital is more sensitive haha.
I've got pressure like having a hot water bottle on your tummy and like a pulling sensation but then I've got dull aches and dull but stabbing kind of pains that only come every now and then and I feel sick now aswell but in the afternoon and evening which is weird for me.
I’ve got the same going on too! 3 days late 3 tests all neg. none of my usual pre AF symptoms have arrived this month either usually my chin and jaw line break out in spots a day or two before and I get wicked lower back ache. I’ve had a tiny bit of brown spotting but only visible on a super light tampon which I thought might have been the start of AF but 2 days later and nothing heavier has come not even a hint of colour on the toilet tissue after wiping...which I’m doing....A LOT!
Someone has done something to the water!!
I reckon we're gonna be on a sci fi documentary next year after we all found out aliens stole our periods.
I haven't even spotted and now you mention it my skin hasn't broken out a there near as bad as it would for af in actual fact it's actually settling down this week where normally it would be kicking off. I'm 2 days late was due Monday but I've nothing at all none of the normal symptoms at all. I guess we are all in the waiting game
What's an ewcn? Sorry xx
Ewcm is egg-white cervical mucus, like the jelly part of a raw egg. I usually have it 5 to 7 days before I ovulate, but with an anovulatory cycle, I had random ewcm throughout the cycle, up to the day before AF.
Hey babe,

So bear with me while I get used to these acronyms .

No I didn't use the opk's this month as I downloaded an app and thought as I've done them a few months I should be ok! Silly me

Yeah I'm hoping that's the case and it's only a strange cycle and AF arrives soon. Never be so happy to see her

Just a bit of advice hun, never go by just an app they just estimate when you will be ovulating they can't tell you exactly when. The only way you will know that you definitely ovulated is by using opk's and temping.
A little bit on the expensive side but if i was you i would spend some money on the Clear Blue OPK's, i use these and they work brilliantly.

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