Always hungry!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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For the last week especially, I've noticed that my appetite has increased loads! I can have a proper meal at teatime, then within an hour or so its as if I've not eaten all day and get hunger pains! It happens multiple times throughout the day and feels horrible like I've starved myself!

Surely I'm not alone on this one!? Anyone know why? I know during the third trimester your calorie intake is meant to increase even more, but this takes the biscuit! (Mmmm biscuits!!)

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These last few days I have turned into a complete and utter pig and I'll fully admit to constantly eating! Praying that I don't do this once baby is actually here!
Crazy appetite here too - and accompanied by hunger pains too. Only up right now because I'm eating lol! X
Well hunni i was up eating biscuits at 3am so know how you feel!

Think its just something we go through at this stage, just go with it, i am xx
Same here - crazy appetite!! I seem to have something in my mouth the whole time but constantly hungry. Am eating so much junk as well... It's just awful. Really need to stop being such a pig!
Yep, I left it too long the other day, and I was so hungry that I felt sick, and then couldn't eat my dinner, had to eat a bag of crisps.
I'm still at the get full quickly stage, although I never eat breakfast and have just come to get a bowl of cereal. Weirdddd....
Glad I'm not the only muncher! Seems like my mouth is never empty nowadays (with food I mean, of course!)
I am def in this category too! I can't stop eating and as you say even after a proper evening meal i feel starving an hour later.

Have also been waking up around 2/3 in the morning absolutely starving and had to get up and have milk and biscuits lol. Not good for the weight!!! x

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