alsorts of issues


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Ok my OH is gettiing annoyed with me because it seems like a day cant go by with out me worrying over something.

I have been looking at everyones elses scan pics and I noticed that they are all different in so many ways.

However I did wonder at the time of my scan why there seems to be so much wide open space and also my baby seems to be bigger at the bottom than the top, so I wonder if its upside down or whether its just cause its small!? Sorry if I sound neurotic but I seem to be unable to enjoy my pregnancy, I think its alot to do with the fact that I am am ill 24/7 right now I hate being sick so 90% of the time I am too scared to eat, I am tired and ran down, and I just dont seem to be able to do anything but be vomit and sleep. :|

And for those of you who have read my bulletin about my job that is getting worse, I am actually starting to get depressed, and I cry every morning cause I wanna stay at home. What makes it worse is that I left a really great job for this one and I regret it like you would not believe.
Yesterday I sent my scan pic round the office and out of 15 people I only got 1 congrats! That upset me loads.

sorry aboout this I just needed to get it off my chest! :|
try not to work yourself up to much hun as it wont be good for your little bean. i feel the same as you, constantly feeling sick and tired, got a sty on my eye yesterday and i just got home and cried. i think its totally normal to worry, everyone else is the same, and i know im worrying alot, lets hope it gets a little bit easier in the second tri.... :pray:

im sorry things are so horrible in your job, i dont want to come into work at the moment and my job is ok, it must be awful to have to go in when your in that situation, stay strong though and look after yourself as much as you can.

:dance: :clap: BIG CONGRATULATIONS again for your successful scan babes ! :cheer: Don't let your work or the fact that no one there seems to be sharing in your exciting news upset you anymore. Remember whats important here, Not your job, or the people there, but you and yours! they will be your source of comfort and joy...for a long time after you leave this thankless job. Don't get me wrong, i know most of us need to work but being pregnant and hormone emotional is hard enough without work worry. Just look at the support and well wishes on this forum for you/ us. We know and relate to the issues you face, your work don't.... As for your little bean...relax babes....your just being a super mum, worry is the nature of the PG...then the fun starts..why crying? when teething? whats best? etc.. you know? once again sweetheart big hugs :hug:
Hi Vicky, try not to worry, I know its a scarey time. You scan looks normal enough to me hun, that huge black space isnt your uterus BTW if thats what your thinking is the big empty space, its actually your bladder, so your was very full at the time of your scan, Thats why they ask you to have a full bladder, so they can see the bub clearly, so its completly normal. With regards to your sickness and upsets, I know it wond solve your work problems but try taking some B6 vitamins, I no longer have any morning sickness which I suffered from all day every day, and I have also found that my miserable hormonal moods have gone, which I think in part may be down to the release of seratonin from the B6.

Also try to think positivly, when I was PG with Noah I hated my job with a passion, and I just counted down the days till I could have my maternety leave. It will get better hun, people will get used to the fact your having a baby, and also once you hit the second trimester you will feel a lot better your sockness should end and you should get your energy back, so Hang on in there, you will get through this! :hug:
Thanks Girls I appreciate your kinds words, I am afriaid that the situation at work has worsened since this morning. I have recieved a rather unpleasant email form the main boss today basically accusing me of not knowing my job!
Yesterday I was asked by a colleague to finish some work for him as I had finished mine. I did exactly as he asked me and then sent it to the main boss. so all the faults he made she claims are mine and that I dont know my job so now my direct boss has to monitor my work, its like being at school all my work has to be kept in folders on my desktop so my boss can review them at the end of each day!
One mishap which isnt even my fault and that happens!!

Does anyone else think this sounds like victimisation?
It does sound like victimisation to me hun, they are trying to bully you so you will leave of your own accord so they dont get in trouble. All you can do if they are monitoring you is get on with your job and be beyond reproach. If your doing your job correctly without error they will not be able to get you. It might be worth if they are checking on your work, making a copy of all of it for yourself, that way if they try to pull a fast one, you have proof that your work has been correct, should you need to presue it.

Are you intending on going back to work after the baby is born BTW or becaome a SAHM or work part time?
Hey Hun

Don't let them get to you - sounds like there is definitely some victimisation going on there and, although it's difficult, you musn't let them win.

1) Keep speaking to everyone in here - we'll all give you tons of support and reassurance. It's really imortant to have a strong support system around you when you're feeling down (although I'm sure you're OH is doing a grand job!)

2) Document everything that's going on at work - from who asked you to do what, to what instructions you were given. Create a paper trail if necessary - I know it seems like a waste of time, but if someone asks you to do something verbally, respond with an e-mail to confirm exactly what they've asked for, i.e. "Dear X, just to confirm, I'm happy to complete your XXX report; I understand you have already done A, B, and C, and you would like me to do 1, 2 and 3. As discussed, this will be ready by XXX. If there are any changes, please let me know". And copy your boss in...

3) They're just jealous cos you're gorgeous, happy and pregnant and they're not... ;)
sounds awful Vicky...I know that night time sickness thing is exhausting...hope something improves for you soon


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