almost ready for popping!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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in more ways than one!!
my due dates officially 2 days away but im getting no signs of baby wanting out :(
im finding it hard to pee & poo (TMI) at the min! i literally have to push for both of them asif im pushing to get her out :| when i do eventually go to the toilet its a tiny little bit..

anybody else had this? xxx
Awwww bless you :hug:
I read that if you struggle to go to the toilet, it means baby is so low that it's causing your bowels to not work properly!
Basically squashing your bits :lol:

I would mention it to your midwife anyway hun xxx
oh god! if pushing is too hard for me now when trying to go toilet im in a mess come labour day! haha.. i dont see midwife now until tuesday.. i dont fancy taking something to help me go just incase i go into labour with a funny bum! :( xxx
I suffer with passing my bowels and my MW gave me lactoluse, its great! doesnt give you the runs but just makes sure your stool is soft enough to pass without causing you discomfort.

ive been panicking about my hard to get out number 2's coz i thought id have the runs before labour but im finding it hard and im trying to go just incase i go into labour as dont want to do a big poop along with baby,

also my wee is slow too and not a lot of it, im hoping that it is coz baby is so low x
ive been panicking about my hard to get out number 2's coz i thought id have the runs before labour but im finding it hard and im trying to go just incase i go into labour as dont want to do a big poop along with baby,

also my wee is slow too and not a lot of it, im hoping that it is coz baby is so low x

yeah think its due to baby being low, today ive finally been able to go! not fully but its doing it slowly.. im expecting to push and find a babas head sticking out :lol: xxx
I suffer with passing my bowels and my MW gave me lactoluse, its great! doesnt give you the runs but just makes sure your stool is soft enough to pass without causing you discomfort.


luckily enough ive got some lactolose & fibogel so if im still struggling i'll try some :) xx
I was like that at the end of my pregnancy. Just had my first baby nearly 3 weeks ago. Dont worry about doing the toilet while in labour, when you are in labour you wont really care anyway lol and the midwives have seen a lot so dont worry at all :)
im not to bothered really :) nothing i can do to stop it, aslong as i dont do it near baby then im fine :D

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