Almost 6 weeks & still struggling to cope


May 6, 2013
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I was over the moon to find out I was pregnant but was deflated when my partner told me he didn't want me or the baby. I struggled to cope & began miscarrying at almost 8 weeks gone; I needed a d&c 2 weeks later as not everything had come away.

My partner said he'd stand by me through the pregancy but as soon as I miscarried he began to look for somewhere to live. A guy contacted me via facebook & told me my partner had been chasing his girlfriend for around a year but still living with me.

I was already devastated by the loss of the baby & didn't need this as well. I challenged him that night & he denied everything but I didn't believe him so with the support of my mum I threw him out. I rang him the next day & he finally admitted it was all true.

I'm finding it really difficult to deal with the loss of the baby & the loss of him. My twin sister is 19 weeks pregnant & there should've been 3 weeks between us. I haven't seen her in a few weeks I could really do with her support but she's lost in her own bubble especially as she miscarried in November so I'd hoped she'd understand & help me through. I don't begrudge her this baby all I want is her support. Is it too much to ask for her support?
Hiya I'm realy sorry u have had to go through an mc and maybe u should think about some counciling to get over it cos unit only had an mc but found out ur partner is a twat and would have cheated on u given half the chance by the sounds of it and I think u have had a lucky escape from him xx
Hey hun, i had a miscarriage in feb and its still very raw. It's hard enough without your partner messing you about like that, really sorry for what you're going through. I agree with jojo that it sounds like you had a lucky escape.

With your sister, does she know you're struggling? Maybe she thinks she might be rubbing it in your face if she sees you? I know i find it hard to be around pregnant people (i know it's probably different with your sister) so maybe she's trying to save you that heartache. I'd just send her a text or something and ask how she's doing or have a bitch about your partner xxx
Hey hun, i had a miscarriage in feb and its still very raw. It's hard enough without your partner messing you about like that, really sorry for what you're going through. I agree with jojo that it sounds like you had a lucky escape.

With your sister, does she know you're struggling? Maybe she thinks she might be rubbing it in your face if she sees you? I know i find it hard to be around pregnant people (i know it's probably different with your sister) so maybe she's trying to save you that heartache. I'd just send her a text or something and ask how she's doing or have a bitch about your partner xxx
Hi thumbelina, I have never had a bfp but thought I was defo pregnant earlier this year and had a scary experience with a painful AF. I mourned my baby even though no1 ever knew if they existed, and even though it sounds ridiculous I found the whole experience hard to cope with. Through this forum i learnt i was allowed to be upset. Let yourself grieve for your bean. You loved him or her and they were an absolute individual.

However, you shouldnt mourn the loss of your low-life partner, just the situation he has left you in. You obviously deserve better and you will find better! You may have to wait a while to find him or to get a bfp but at least it will be with someone you can trust. This experience will make you stronger and a better mum in the future.

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