All good at the midwife yesterday


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Had an appointment with the midwife yesterday and still all good. The little man is head down and bump measures 31cm so still spot on. As always it was great to hear the heartbeat and the midwife commented my bump feels like all baby so he could well be a chunky monkey :) Next appointment is at 34 weeks, then we're really starting to get close :) xxx
These midwife appointments seem to be flying in now! I last saw my midwife at 28+4 weeks, but saw the consultant at 30+4 weeks and my next midwife is this Friday!

Glad all is well with ur lil man and he is head down. I'm hoping my Roo is back head down on Friday as currently he is sideways :shock: xx
Ahh glad all went well...i have another 2 and a half weeks to wait until my mw app :( last time i went LO was head down so i'm hoping in the 6 weeks of not seeing the mw she has stayed put, shes still kicking in the same place or there abouts apart from now they are a little higher up as in right under my ribs ouch :shock:

the midwife appointments are getting so close now, i have my 36 week one on tuesday, cant believe that really i could have my baby at any time x
Glad all went well!! having a midwife appointment every week I thought for me makes things go quickly! X
Glad all went well. FX LO stays head down :) My next appointment isn't until 35 weeks now. Hopefully our boy will stay put as well as he was head down last 2 appointments - consultant and MW. We could all have babies in arms at any time now :dance::dance:
Don't say that butterfly, I am in no way prepared for my lil man to make an appearance yet! No hospital bags packed, no clothes washed or organised, no room for him in our room or his own!! So much left to do! Although I should get more organised as I was born at 32 weeks, but I am a twin and DH was 2-3 weeks early I think!! Xx
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Glad it went well hun!! I had mine today. It went fine. I'm measuring 30cm but midwife didn't seem concerned. I did get to hear heartbeat today though so was a bit gutted. Wonder If midwife just forgot.

I also booked on to parent craft classes today!! Going at the beginning of june. One week for parent craft and the next for breastfeeding! Next appointment in 3 weeks!!

We will all be on labour watch before we know it!! Ahhhh!!!
I know it's crazy to think we'll all be on labour watch soon!! Like you Kanga I feel like I've got a lot still to do, although I did wash a load of vests and bedding yesterday as the weather was good, this weekend I really should start the hospital bags. My bump is starting to feel really stretched now and after eating shredded beef from the chinese I think I might just have added at least 1cm! :) xxx

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