
Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hi Ladies,

Last week I started bleeding and have since been for 2 scans which show that the baby is growing normally and that there is a heartbeat etc.

When we found out that I was pregnant we were really happy and excited and were really close when we went for the first scan. However, in the week where I had to wait for the second scan, my feelings and everything seem to have totally changed and it's terrifying me and really upsetting me.

Basically I convinced myself that I had miscarried so I was getting my head around that. My boyfriend was, and always is, being really sweet but I just felt like I didn't want him anywhere near me. I got to the point where I was actually hoping that the pregnancy had ended as it seemed like the easier option, so when the lady told me 'one baby, one heartbeat' I was surprised again and my boyfriend was just beaming and I felt myself smiling and feeling relieved too. However, it then felt like he was really pushing me for answers on whether I was ok with it and just pressuring me into doing cartwheels and I just feel all over the place now. I am having this huge dread that I am making a mistake or that we aren't right for each other and it's really upsetting me. He is so lovely and doesn't deserve me being a complete bitch to him or messing his feelings around.

I have been pregnant twice before and this has happened with both partners previously so I don't know if it's just hormones or whether there is more weight in my feelings.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this???

Brooke x x
I think it's just nature's way of protecting you, I have moments like you've described and I had them after the birth too.
It's such an intense time and you do need to be quite selfish at times during pregnancy and just focus on yourself, this sometimes means you shut your loved ones out for a while.
Even when you've had straightforward pregnancies and births it is a tough time and it's not all big smiles and constant feelings of euphoria-it's scary, life-changing and draining.
Don't upset yourself over it, they are normal feelings which are part and parcel of relationships, you will feel back to how you normally do about him don't worry.
Aww thank you,

I keep telling myself that I'll probably go back to normal about him soon enough and that we will be great and happy and all the rest of it. But I'm also scared thinking 'but what if it doesn't?' and it's a huge thing to go into if I'm not sure about the Dad... But then I know that he is a great guy and would look after both of us so much so really I don't have anything to worry about. It's just my own feelings that I'm contending with. But like you say, maybe I do just need to be selfish at the moment and take the time to let my body and mind adjust to this...

Thanks x x

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