All babies this demanding?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
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Hi everyone
DD is 10 weeks old and smiles and coos loads, seems quite happy generally, but is terribly hyperactive, her legs and arms don't stop moving when she's awake. She has to have constant stimulation and be on the move, jiggling, bouncing and have moving pictures or lights to watch. Fascinated by tv already!

She fights sleep every time and cries until she can't keep her eyes open any longer, has to have a dummy and be rocked and patted, and frequently takes up to 3 hours to settle at night. She's a very light sleeper so even if I do get get her off for a nap in my arms and wait for 20-30mins to get into deep sleep, the moment I try to transfer her she wakes up. Put her down in the cot to go off, she just whimpers and thrashes her head and limbs around.

She had colic for the first 7 weeks, and on top of recent BF issues of low supply and refusing one breast, it's all becoming very draining. :wall2: I dread every day my DH goes to work and leaves me alone to deal with her. Is anyone else experiencing a baby like this and how are you getting through it?
You poor thing. It is really hard isn't it.

My boy fights sleep everytime and will only sleep 30mins exactly during the day. Always has. Then because he doesn't get enough sleep he gets miserable. So last week I decided that when he is due a nap or is miserable and looks tired I will put him in the pram and take him out and nearly every time he goes to sleep within the first 5 mins. Then I take him home, put him in the concervatory (sometimes I put my pashmina over the pram to make it dark) and leave him while I get on with my work. If he wimpers or around the 30min mark I usually start rocking the pram and sometimes this can get him to go off for an hour. Since I have done this he is so much more cheerier.

Other things to consider. Over stimulating before bedtime. Give her quiet low light time before bed to wind down. Try the sleep sheep (amazing). a teddy that plays whale and water music. She may even need more food and would benifit from a bottle of formula before bed. Perhaps play around with her bedtime. She may prefer it later or earlier.

I am still trying to work my boy out but have definatly made some progress this week.
I cry most weeks so you aren't alone.

Take care. x
Definitely try dimming the lights where she sleeps, I do bath, feed, burp, feed, bed, mobile on, leave room. 9/10 times she falls asleep on her own or whimpers a bit. The routine starts at 6 and tends to finish at 8. I'm breastfeeding on demand but in the evenings she seems to know to cluster feed which means she sleeps anywhere between 4 and 7 hours.

Keep at it. I remember lying on her floor with Isla on her mattress patting her to sleep with me on two pillows. I was crying my eyes out at 4am. That was only 8 weeks ago (shes 16 weeks now) xxx
You aren't alone hun, I used to dread my OH going to work and leaving me too but it will get easier I promise! Spuggy and Esoames have given some good tips. I make sure that I go out somewhere every day otherwise I go stir crazy at home with LO all alone. We have a dog so she's a good excuse to go out but you could walk to the park or try local baby groups. I'm also thinking about starting swimming once a week with LO. These things may not help with settling bubba but they will help to keep you sane!
Thanks girls. I have today signed up for baby swimming classes, beginning next month. My HV wants me to get out to more groups too and I know that when each day has a purpose it does help me get through it. So I'll do that.

She's not a bad sleeper at night, waking only twice, and up at 8am like clockwork, but can still be tired/grumpy enough to drop off again by 9, so perhaps I do need to play with her bedtimes. She can nap quite well around 7pm but I was concerned that if I put her to bed this early she'd be wide-eyed by 5am. Gotta try it I guess!!

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