Alisha Margret Taylor 26th Jan 2011

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hey everyone well my baby girl is here at last

....Now i cant really remmber what happend becase i had such a bad birth but what i do remmber is that i had to have a epuidural even thou i never wanted one but the pain was too strong for me,i felt like i needed the loo and when i told the midwife she told me i was dialted and baby was on the way,next min i knew i was on a bed screaming lol.The man put a suction cap on her head and as he pulled it went off with a massive click and the man fell back then he tryed forceps as he was pulling she came out with the cord around wrapped around her neck and was back to back with me he grabbed her sorted the cord out and placed her on me i was all smilles.Then I started being sick and it was green..I had gone into shock and lost so much blood the man had to get changed and come back.It was a blur after that i remmber being told i was going into theatre for 20mins to be stitched up i was in for 2 hours.:shock:

I woke up and found Alisha next to me in the same bed with my parents and boyfriend around me they told me what happend and i was so shocked because i didnt even know what had gone on.Then i was told i would need a blood tranfusion i had two bags of blood.:shock:

Then i was allowed home which iam now :lol:

So i had a pretty rough time but when i look at my angel i think she was so worth it iam very thankfull to one midwife and the guy who derlivered my baby so im making a very special card for them two and taking some choccys in to them in a few weeks also gonna take alisha in too i nearly died and so did she iam counting my stars iam here today.

She was born 26th jan 2011 at 8:23pm by forceps weight was 6.10




God you had such a hard time chick! But you have such a beatuiful girl as a result, congratulations and well done. I hope you are on the mend and 100% healed soon xx
ahh amanda thats crazy! you poor poor thing. congrats though, i love love love her hair! xxx
Sorry to hear you had such a bad time!! What a story.... glad you are both alright now, she is absolutely gorgeous!!! Good luck to you both x
Thank You everyone iam sore still cos the stitches are like a zip and right near my tail bone x
shes adoreble. well done you, very brave and im sorry the birth was hard but you got trough it :hugs:
She's gorgeous!! Congrats,sorry it was so traumatic xx
Congratulations Hun she's gorgeous x
she was defo worth it but never again im gonna go thru it but i got a angel x
Congratulations hun sounds like you had a horrendous time but she is absolutely adorable xxx
Alisha means 'noble', 'truthful', and 'protected by God'.
Oh hun, I didn't realise you had such a traumatic time. But well done, and congratulations, she's gorgeous! xxx
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments really means alot well she is now 10days old tomoz she has been invited to her first birthday party loads of 5yrs old runnin around lol great x
Im sorry you had such a traumatic birth , well done you for getting through it . Alisha is so perfect xxx
Wow, sounds like a really tough delivery but I bet she's worth every single minute of that pain...she's absolutely beautiful. Well done and congratulations Hun!
Thanks everyone here are some pics that was taken when she was first born that i have never even seen :eh:







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