Alex had his jabs!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Alex had his injections yesterday! He screamed like mad when they did them, but settled quite quickly! We thought he was fine for a couple of hours, slept and fed okay! Then about 6.00 last night started screaming uncontrollably! His legs had gone bright red and looked like they hurt when he moved them. We gave him some calpol and tried to settle him! It was gone 9.00 when he stopped crying and he fell asleep watching his mobile in his cot.
We were expecting a rough night after that, but at 4.30 this morning he was just starting to stir! This is the longest hes slept for! I gave him his bottle and he went back to sleep and is still asleep now, at 7.00 He did seem much better when he woke up!
I am not used to this and have been up since 5.00 and got all my housework done!! and have finally got a few minutes to myself to post on here!!!! :cheer: Dont get to come on here much now!
Bless him! Luke had his yesterday too and has been fine. He has had a couple of doses of Calpol because he was a bit tetchy and wouldn't settle... one of those was at 5am this morning.. he was fully fed and just would not go back to sleep and was screaming! He settled eventually after that. His legs are fine though.

Heartbreaking isn't it, watching them being stabbed in the legs with needles :(

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