Alcohol & the 2WW


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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So guys would you or wouldnt you?????:wink:

Ive just started my :2ww: making my AF due on the 2nd Jan.

As the festive period is nearly upon us im wondering whether or not to indulge in abit of plonk!:merry:

Im not sure whether alcohol affects implantation or not?

Any advice would be appreiated, thanks xxx

Hey, I've got no scientific answer but I'm sure a little tipple won't hurt x besides loads of people don't know they're pregnant at this early stage an have a drink x
I start my 2ww on boxing day so fertile all over Xmas I'm only gona have a small tipple cos I'm working a lot of it anyways!! X
Merry Christmas x
I'm usually fairly good but I'm going to have a drink and enjoy Christmas. Deal with the consequences and guilt if I get pregnant, but fairly confident I won't be. Too used to not being!xxx
I don't actually know if I'm in my 2ww or not (going to assume not) but consumed a few glasses of red last night with hubby! I think one or two is ok but I'm no expert so not sure. :) x x
Im in 2ww and had 3 pints of lager tonight......oh well. Did not do me any harm last time pregnant got BFP on new year eve and drank all December.... I was not ttc really just came off pill 2 weeks prior
i think that being relaxed and chilled out, having a few glasses of wine is much better for you than stressing yourself out worrying about side effects etc, i deffo would have a couple but its def a personal choice xx
yep agree with all the above

Think relaxing and having a couple of glasses of wine will not do any harm

Enjoy. xx
Hear hear

My best friend didn't know she was pregnant & was still drinking heavily 3 nights a week & having rather a lot of fairy dust as well & she's now due on the 4th Jan & everything ok

Thanks guyz, I think I will have one or two probly will help the 2WW to go quicker!
I have to admit I went out on Friday night and had one of two.. or three.. ok maybe even more but I wasnt THAT drunk I swear.. I couldnt have been.. I could still walk in stillettos and snow!!

I agree with the above comments.. I don't think one or two would hurt.. Besides you gotta let your hair down sometimes and take your mind or TTC and just enjoy your self! Its what xmas is about! :)

Hey girls,

Go you loopy lou,walking in your heels and in the snow and whilst under the influence,lol!!

I'm the same as the other girls,as long as its not every night then I don't see the harm and esp over the crimbo season,us girls just gotta try and relax at some point!1

Merry christmas girls :)


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