Alastair's weight ***updated***


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Got Alastair weighed on Thurs he is 13lb 5oz bless him, he is tiny compared to all the other sep 2006 babies, but i dont care he is my little man, he is drinking 6 5oz bottles a day and having brekkie, lunch and tea!! so i know he is feeding well. I still have to tke him to see dietician next wed's, not sure what they will say.
He is creeping up along the 2nd centile bless him :hug: :hug: :hug:
bless him our little doll, hes gorgeous happy and healthy, may just be a little short arse like his mummy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: dont worry hunny hes yummy, cant wait till our boys meet :hug:
awww bless Alastair, Louie is only just more, hes 15 lb 4 oz, but he only drinks 5 oz for all his bottles, but he does have a 6 oz bottle when he 1st wakes up & doesn't always finish it.
aslo hes only on 1 solid meal a day, hes only been on solids for a few weeks, so Alastair is doing great hun.

i'm sure he will be fine at the dieticians, there was a 3 month old baby at the baby clinic the other Monday & she is tiny, she was 6 lb when born, but now at 3 months she still only weighs 9 lb 4 oz!! but shes fine & is just gonna be small. :hug: :hug:
Awww bless him. Gabriella only weighed 13lb when I had her weighed last week. She is happy and healthy though and has little chubby rolls on her arms and legs :D
Went to docs, and the doc says there is nowt wrong with Alastair and what he thinks is Alastair has a mild case of catch down, yea i didnt know what that meant either...bascially babies are born bigger so u think they are going to be big, but then they have catch down and drop down centiles cos they are going to be small chidlren, to be honest Alastair was only 7lb 3oz so he wasnt really big..but anyway thats what he said Alastair going to be small and skinny, his dad is tall and very skinny so thats where he gets the skinny from, im only 5'3 so he has a bit of both of us :hug:

I have to continue to take him getting weighed every 3 weeks and if he drops anymore down the centiles i have to take him back and thats when they will do blood tests :cry: so hopefully my little man will not have to go through that.

The doc also said he thinks my daughter had catch down aswell now that i can belive as she was 9lb 11oz and is now a skinny child :think: i dunno im abit confused but that doesnt take much :hug:
awww bless Cherie thats good news though now you know hes just going to be small and hes completely healthy. I bet that is a relief isnt it? :hug: to you all darling
At what age does "catch down" ususally occur? I am wondering if this is why Ellie dropped from around 50th percentile all the way from birth until I got her weighed at 4.5months. Then when I got her weighed at nearly 6months she dropped right down on the charts to somewhere around 30-35th percentile?

I am getting her weighed tonight, I am wondering if she will have climbed back up a bit or if she will follow a new line.
Leorah has the oppsite she grew very fast in a short space of time to catch up. I always think she's massive now but she is still in small clothes. My doc is great and said babies have a very good idea of what they need to be healthy and not to get hung up on weight etc :)
just got him weighed again and he is 13lb 15 oz :cheer:

he is catching u big babies up :rotfl:

my god he loves his food bless him, HV wants me to get him weighed every 4 weeks not 3! they are also going to keep an eye on his height :D
Aimee was only 15lb at the age and she was 8lb 11oz born so i think thats what happened with her. She was really chubby when she was born but started slowing down when she was about 4 or 5 weeks. She now really slim compared to other babies her age but she eats ok and is healthy.

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