Alarm went off again

The apnoea alarm went off again last night, but it turned itself off again within 10 seconds and Damien was breathing again. He seeems okie this morning so I dunno whether it's worth speaking to my GP or not?
I would hun, you should keep a log of everytime it goes off go the doctors and hospitals always ask for details and then you know definitley when and how many times etc. hope damien is ok!! xx
This panics me when it happens (usually alex just out of range!) so i cant imagine how freaked you must be by it with damiens apnoea.

glad he is fine - i'd mention it anyway - esp as your dr wanted to take him off it! i mean who cares if it stresses you as long as you would know if anything happened? i'd rather the thing went off 100 times as a false alarm and know that if the worst happened i would know instantly. the other option doesnt bare thinking about :(

When I woke up I checked to see if he was off it and he wasn't :? was kinda hoping it was that! Is Alex in the cot with the mat underneath the mattress?

yeah but he is such a wriggler sometimes that he ends up sideways at the foot of the cot.

it has gone off before when he has been right on it too though. whenever its happened he has always been breathing and warm and pink :? so i dont know if he did stop breathing and would have breathed agian on his own anyway or if the alarm makes him do it? i think if they do stop then at least the alarm stirs them to breath again.

horrid as we lay there watching the green light flash on his monitor the rest of the night.

i wonder if they somtimes just dont pick up their breath if its really light?

Damien breathes really light sometimes when he is asleep but it still flashes, and luckily we have never had a false alarm. DF woke up to it too and got up and checked him with me (his cot is next to me in bed but DF has to get out of bed to be able to see him). His lips wern't blue but I wonder if the alarm caused him to restart breathing?

I think I'm gonna take a wander down and see the HV now and see what she says, my docs surgery don't always tell the truth if a doctor is in. ( I asked to speak to my GP before, they said he wasn't in, so I went down there and he was! )
it's weigh in clinic today, do you think the HV will see me anyway?
my dh does that - its harder for them to lie to your face!

take care hun!

awww hun it must be an awful worry for you :hug: hope you and damien are ok xxxxxxxxxx
HV said see GP as he'll prob send us to the hospital to be safe, GP said it was normal :shock: This si Damien's GP, who he see's all the time, who told me to take the monitor off, etc. Am I the only one worrying that my child might not start breathing again one day? I don;t give a flying fuck if it'll stop when his reflux does, that could be a year away at least. Am I supposed to sit worrying in the mean time. Fed up, fucked off and hot from walking all that way with an upset irritable baby for nothing, not even a comforting explanation or to be told 'keep an eye on him and make sure you let us know if it happens again'.
This makes me so mad :evil:

what about when this happens when he isnt in his cot? like when he did it in the car a while ago?

i'd be going mental too if were alex. what do we bother paying all these taxes for when the help isnt there when we need it?

sorry you're are having such a fight with this Sami :(

I can't f***ing deal with him anymore. I feel like taking him to the hospital, leaving him there and not coming back till they've fixed him. I can't cope with it. I'm sat here crying my eyes out and I don't know what to do with him :cry: I'm a shit mum if I can't even cope with my own son.
Hun you're a fab mum and dont you ever dare think otherwise!!!!!

All this is just getting on top of you and who can blame you? we all get stressed with them sometimes and you have a lot more on your plate than most. you can cope and you do everyday. if you were getting the support that you should be from the drs etc then all this would be a shared burden but at the moment you are taking it all on your shoulders and thats too much for any mum.

am here if you need a chat hun

I just feel so useless Em, I dunno what to do with him. I'm just sat here sobbing my heart out which isn't gonna help me or him. I feel so on my own with this. It's not Damien's fault which is why I feel bad for feeling so against him at the moment.
dont feel bad hun its only natural to feel that way. ask anyone who has had a loved one with any kind of illness - in your heart you think - why did you have to go and get so & mil said the same when fil had a stroke then a heart attack within a couple of years. she was gettin annoyed asking why he couldnt just be healthy!

can you talk to Mark (it is Mark isnt it?) about how you feel?

its so hard when you know you cant do anything esp when they are babies. i freaked a bit yesterday wheni read someones post about a lad dying from an asthma attack. i had never considered that Alex's ashtma could be a serious problem. i just assumed that it would be mild like dh's so that really scared me.

all you can do is fight his corner for him, and make sure your oh s right there to support you too. and a good cry might not help but its whatyou need to do right now. you'll feel better for getting it all out then concentrate on getting on these dr's backs!

yeah it is Mark. I spoke to him a minute ago, he is trying to help. I think my depression isn't helping. God knows it isn't Damien's fault.
I might ring the ward and see if they will arrange another PH study so that we can see how bad Damien's reflux is now and see if it really is the problem or not.
no matter whether it helps or not i think doing anything towards this is going to make you feel better - at least its doing something right?

not had any experience with depression so dont know what to advise hun :( i'd say talk to Dr but they seems pretty useless just now.

feel free to pm me if you need a chat though ( :shhh: am supposed to be working today but seem to have done more typing on here than on letters :lol: )

LOL bless ya. thank you for listening to my irrational thoughts. I'm feeling better now and even playing with Damien (the kid will not sleep!)

Now get back to work naughty girl :lol:
:shakehead: dont wanna!

you guys just chill and have fun this afternoon - no housework by order of me!


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