aidens christening is tomorrow! update!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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i am still really drunk this morning :wall:

the christening went really well, during the actual ceremony though aiden screamed the place down bc he was tired :lol: i had to hold him the whole time, 22lbs of baby isn't light, my arms are killing me today :rotfl:

it went well though and i'l upload pictures later. my mum took aiden last night and we went out with our friends, was fun, but i'm paying for it now :roll:


i'm quite nervous.

got the cake and balloons today, they are lovely :)

the priest was over last night and told us about the ceremony, i need to hold aiden the whole time :| there's a wee girl being baptised at the same time so the ceremony will last about an hour :wall: he will NEVER be able to sit that long, without 1) pulling my hair/earrings/necklace 2) 'talking' to people 3) trying to get up off me and move around 4) screaming because i won't let him do any of they things :wall:

any tips on how i can make this less embarrasing in front of both of our familys? :lol:

wish us luck!!! i will take plenty of pictures :D
Awwww, thats so lovely, I will be thinking of you all.

Could you take some rice cakes? They arent messy. Does your chapel have a crying room. You could sit in there till its near the actual baptism. Im assuming that because its an hour its during mass.

With a christening people i.e the congregation will appreciate that a baby isnt going to sit for that long without creating a wee bit so I would just let him do his thing.

I still havent had Jow baptised, he has never been that good a baby at sitting and I think if the priest came near him he would have a fit.
hi laura and thankyou!! :D

mass is at 12pm which we will go to, and thats not bad because we'll be sitting in the congregation with everyone else, so we can play with him and keep him amused for that hour.. but the actual BAPTISM will also last 45mins-1hour :wall: :wall: :wall:

being honest i think the older they get the worse for things like this :lol: if he was still a wee baby at least he would sleep though it or something :rotfl:

*meant to say - during the ceremony we will be sitting on the alter in front of everyone else, so i can't really take toys/food, etc :rotfl:
I know what you mean, I could kick myself for not getting Joe baptised when he was a few months. Now Im going to need to do it pretty soon.

What is Aiden wearing? Is there a family thing or did you buy something.
i had B christened at 7 months and they said the same
but my uncle (god-father) was stood behind us diverting his attention :D
and he loved the fact everyone was looking at him :rotfl: :rotfl:
have a brill day - it will be fun
my mum did have the gown that me, my bro and sis wore, but because we've left it until he's 5 months (and massive,) he wouldn't fit into it :lol:

we just bought him a plain white silk kind of romper suit, it's really lovely :) he also has wee satin shoes and his christening shawl, and then for later a wee white cardigan for over it.

i think the gowns are really lovely, but i would only have used it if i had done it when he was a month/2 months old, because now he looks really boyish :rotfl:
Hope it goes well!

What did you end up doing about the food?

Valentine Xxx
i'm so nervous!! aiden seems in a good mood today though which is GREAT :lol:

valentine - we ended up getting a family friend who does catering to help us, she got it all from costco and we all prepared it yesterday :) she's doing a couple of sandwiches this morning and laying it all out shortly :D saved a FORTUNE :D
Good luck! Hope all goes well, looking forward to seeing the pics :D
Glad you had a good day!!
Cant wait to see the pics! :D

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