Is he getting enough?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Brody had started to sleep 8 hours through the night and fed every 2-3 hours in the daytime but the last couple of weeks he has been waking every 2 hours through the night for a feed and sometimes even more often during the day! I'm really worried he isn't getting enough from me :(

I took him to the clinic on Friday and he is still gaining weight so I know I shouldn't worry but it's so hard not to!

I am unsure if it is a growth spurt or if he's ready for a bit of rice? I've heard when they start watching you eat it's a sign they are ready for weaning and he's been doing this for a couple of weeks already! :shock:

Any advice? Would you wait a bit longer see if it's just a growth spurt?
I feel awful seeing him hungry all the time and kind of feel guilty if I'm not giving him enough :cry:
I'd wait for a bit, it's around now that they have a major growth spurt, which can be confused with the need for solids. See what he's like in a couple of weeks, and decide then, and don't worry, even though it may seem he is feeding from you constantly he IS getting what he needs. :hug: :hug:
Thanks :hug:
Don't know what to do it's getting worse :cry:
It's getting harder and harder to settle him at night and he still seems hungry after I've fed him :(

He's always been a hungry baby and weighed almost double his birth weight last Friday but over the last few weeks he's wanting feeding ALL the time! He's also been watching what we eat for ages now even when we have a drink!

At first I thought it must be a growth spurt but I didn't think it'd last this long? :shock:

Well he's 17 weeks on Saturday and exactly 4 months old on Sunday so I think I'm going to try him with some baby rice then!

How much should I give him to start with as I've read just the tip of a spoonful in one book and 2 spoonfuls in another?! :think:

Am I right in thinking it's better to start by giving him it in the morning for a start and see how it goes?

Sorry for all the questions but I'd appreciate anyones thoughts on if we're doing the right thing?

Thankyou! :hug:

Hun if you want to wean him go ahead! youll soon know if hes ready when you show him the spoon :)

When I first gave Oli rice, I put 3 tea spoons of rice and 3 of warm breastmilk, Olivia didnt like that nor did she like it with formula, so I just added warm water in the end and she gobbled the lot down.

I personaly find giving the rice on the evening feed around 5 ish was ok, and then moved on to morning and evening a few weeks later.

Dont expect results straight away, it takes awhile before you see any changes.

Always give boobie feeds first, rice is only a top up.
Thanks Tasha :hug:

Well took him to the clinic today and he weighed 16lb 1.5 oz! :D

Had a word with the HV and she also said it sounds like he's ready so tonight tried him with a little amount of baby rice and he loved it! :cheer:

Thanks again for the advice :hug: :hug:

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