Ahhhhh soooo good!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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My DH just rubbed my back for 3/4 of an hour it was only half hatted as it was one hand and he was glued to the laptop and kept moaning haha but I feel so relaxed now xx much better didn't realise how stressed I was before hand xxx

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I've just said this to Tim and why he can't do things like this and he didn't take any notice and carried on playing call of duty!! Men!!
Think in all the years we been together this is the second time he has done this and he so dent want to lol!!

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Well I was leaning on my ball earlier, came up behind me, stroked my back twice then pretended to have sex with me!! They seriously have no clue how se feel!! At least your OH done that, all I've had today is your not dying, your just pregnant! Hmmph!!
:rofl: why do men always pretend to have sex with us!?!?!?! mine always does this wierd stupid thing of bending me over and humping, he does it when we are out and i just say "if only you really did that to me" x
oh said to me today on the phone "i work all day you just sit home" :doh:
IM ON MATERNATY LEAVE!!! im sitting home cuz YOU knocked me up!!!
Hahaa that's my excuse evelina! I get "I work my ass off for you" well I'm carrying your baby... Deal with it! Lol
Lol!! Oh dear!! My DH keeps saying to me "will you just fucking hurry up and have that baby" then makes me
Run around after the kids ext if I tell him I need to relax he says "well it's your job" he has been on holiday all week you think emptying the bin was the hardest thing to do ever lol!!

I told him I want a 2 hand massage later (he only agreed to the first one coz I promised him a bj for it but I'm gonna tell him it didn't count coz he wasn't interested and only used one hand ha!)

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Lol Evie!! Wish I could think of doing things like that! 1) I'm too tierd and 2) I have the same problem with OH! I've been running around after him all day so now I'm thinking he can get f**ked if he wants sex later...!!
I kind of agreed to it at the time
Now I'm thinking ahh shit I've got to give him a bj now! Lol might Jay see if I can get away with not mentioning it haha!! Xx

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